
  • Nursing students are considered “enrolled” when they have been accepted into the nursing program and have registered for and begun their first course. A student’s enrollment date is defined as the 10th day of a term for which a student registers paying the Nursing Per Credit Tuition Plan. This status may change if the student becomes inactive or takes a leave of absence.
  • Acceptance in the MSN degree program for students selecting the BSNM option on application will be in effect following certification for graduation from the BSN degree.
  • Program materials will be provided and all students will be given access to advisement services on acceptance.
  • An Academic Evaluation will be provided online for students accepted into the nursing program.
  • Enrollment will remain in effect as long as students earn a minimum of 3 credits at the University that apply to their degree or certificate program in each 12-month period.
  • Nonmatriculated students must obtain permission from the School prior to enrolling in BSN and MSN nursing courses.