PHI-130 Introduction to Critical Reasoning

The aim of this course is to give students the opportunity to acquire critical-thinking tools to analyze and evaluate knowledge claims. Students will acquire the skills to develop a critical attitude to cultural stereotypes and biases through readings, web resources journal assignments, and self-check assessments. Critical-reasoning tools are crucial to making informed decisions so that when students are faced with difficult situations in their professional or private lives, they will be able to make appropriate reasoning choices. The skills and knowledge students obtain in the course can also assist them with studies of other disciplines, such as psychology, history, English, political science, communication science, healthcare, development studies, sociology, and public administration.

Note: If you enroll in the Online course, you will not be required to purchase any course materials. All learning materials are included in the course at no cost.



Delivery Methods

Online, TECEP

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Semester Offered

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