SOM-702 Introduction to Social Media

Social media is the number one activity on the web. About half of all in-person retail purchases were first researched online (Forrester 2010), 30 percent of young mothers tweet 10 to 20 times per day (Nielson 2011), and YouTube is one of the largest search engines in the world. This activity has tremendous implications for how business will be conducted in the future. Introduction to Social Media examines and analyzes the social media space from a business perspective. The course will introduce the space and teach students the strategies and tactics for social media management and marketing. Students will learn best practices and key communities to be involved in social media for business as well as an overview of what policies, rules, and regulations practitioners must keep in mind. The course will also explore the various niche community spaces where online marketing is moving to next. Finally, the course will cover the various measuring tools for social media and how to overcome the core challenges when implementing social media in a corporation. Students will establish a strong professional social media presence and the course work will culminate in the production of a social media plan for a business of the student's choosing.



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