NUR-732 Nursing Administration: Seminar and Process

This Capstone course provides the student with the opportunity to integrate management theory into the role of nurse administrator/executive. Student focus is on nursing management processes in healthcare systems. Students continue in their selected area of clinical practice monitored by the mentor and onground preceptor. Students engage in a reflective discussion of nursing administration issues and experiences in the online seminar. This course requires completion of 150 Practicum hours. Submission of an e-Portfolio will be required to demonstrate achievement of Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program outcomes and competencies.

Prerequisite: All other MSN degree and Nursing Administration certificate requirements. Submission of all documents and requirements outlined in the Practicum Packet including a criminal background check.

Advisory: Students who do not have updated e-Portfolios will not be able to register for this course.

*Students may register for one elective concurrent with this course.



Delivery Methods


Semester Offered

Terms Available