Mission Statement

Southern University at New Orleans, a public, historically black university, empowers and promotes the upward mobility of diverse populations of traditional and nontraditional students through quality academic programs and service to achieve excellence in higher education.

The University provides a sound education tailored to special needs of students with diverse backgrounds and prepares them for full participation in a complex and changing society. It offers a liberal education directed toward the achievement of higher literacy and broad intellectual development, which in turn serves as a foundation for training in one of the professions. The University provides instruction for working adults of the area who seek to continue their education in the evening or on weekends.

In support of its stated mission, the University embraces six basic objectives: (1) to afford to the citizenry of the Greater New Orleans Metropolitan Area increased opportunities for higher learning; (2) to provide instruction for the working adult populace of the area who seek to continue their education in the evenings or on the weekend; (3) to train individuals for positions in business, education, industry, and government; (4) to prepare students for graduate work or advanced study; (5) to instruct at the graduate level for the awarding of advanced degrees; and (6) to provide opportunities for personal development, self-understanding, and an enhanced self-image.

Core Values

Academic Excellence; Accountability; Integrity; Transparency; Service; Inclusion and Diversity

To achieve these core values, the University has undertaken the following institutional goals:

  1. Prepare the student to demonstrate facility and competency in written expression.
  2. Prepare the student to demonstrate facility and precision in the use of the spoken word.
  3. Prepare the student to demonstrate competency and facility in computational and quantitative skills.
  4. Prepare the student to demonstrate competency in his or her major field.
  5. Prepare the student for successful employment in his or her chosen profession.
  6. Prepare the student for successful admission to graduate and professional schools.
  7. Prepare the student to engage in effective inter-personal relations in professional and social settings.
  8. Prepare the student to demonstrate interest in and commitment to resolving civic and social community issues and problems.
  9. Increase the number of faculty involved in research and other scholarly activities.
  10. Develop an effective program of enrollment management that enables the University to maintain a student body consisting of students who are committed to high academic achievement and who represent diversified social, economic, and geographical origins.
  11. Offer a program of public service and contribute to the wellbeing and development of the New Orleans Community and the surrounding areas.
  12. Provide the financial resources needed for the achievement of the University’s goals through responsible management and budgeting.

Academic Organization

The undergraduate and graduate academic programs at Southern University at New Orleans are provided through the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Education and Human Development, the College of Business and Public Administration, and through the School of Social Work.

Academic and Administrative Support

There are many programs, offices, centers and resources that support the academic affairs, administrative services and student affairs on SUNO’s campus. One of the largest and major supporters in this area is the Title III Program. This Program, funded by the U.S. Department of Education under the Higher Education Act of 1965, continuously provides well needed personnel, technology and a variety of resources and support across all facets of the University through its fifteen (15) sub programs. For example, the Center for Comprehensive Communication offers individual, group, classroom and computer assisted instruction in Reading, English, Mathematics, Writing, Accounting, Praxis prep and test taking skills to all students. The Center is equipped with expert staff, computers, software and other essential resources that promote successful student outcome. Another popular sub-program of the Title III Program that provides strong support for students is the Student Development Center. This Center provides intentionally designed multifaceted programs and services (counseling and psychological services, international student services, volunteer community services, and alcohol, tobacco and other drugs counseling services) in a safe and conducive environment that facilitates growth, wellness and development of the entire individual. Other strong academic and administrative support Title III programs include: Center for Student Retention and Success, Forensic Science Program, Bridging the Technological Gap (ITC), General Studies Enhancement, Library Enhancement, Center for Planning, Research and Evaluation (Institutional Effectiveness), University and Program Accreditations/Reaffirmations and Reviews, Satellite Telecommunications-Distance Learning, Center for African and African American Studies, Grants and Sponsored Program activities, Certification-only program in Education, and Enhancing On-line Learning.

The Leonard S. Washington Memorial Library, named in honor of the first Library Director, supports the curricular and research needs of the University community through the development of pertinent collections and the provision of services designed to facilitate access to information. A well-qualified staff acquires, organizes and services the collections. Books in the general collection are circulated to faculty, staff and enrolled students that are in good standing. Active SUNO Alumni Association members, students and faculty at other universities located in Louisiana are also allowed use of the library resources provided they meet the eligibility standards. The Library offers seminars, special instructions, workshops, tours and programs to enhance student learning. The Louisiana Library Network (LOUIS) is a consortium of university libraries across the State. Through LOUIS the SUNO community can access member library collections. The library was renovated in 2014 and 2015. All restoration work was completed by Fall 2017. The facility provides study rooms, technology enhanced classrooms, faculty research lounge and special collections archives. Users can enjoy modern equipment and technology, including 3-D printing. Access to computerized databases, electronic journals and other electronic resources are made available throughout the Library. The Library is an officially-designated selective depository in State and Federal Government documents. Regular library hours are posted each semester at the entrance of the building and in the lobby. Variations from regular schedules are also posted.

From a University-wide perspective, the Office of Institutional Effectiveness (Center for Planning, Research and Evaluation) documents institutional programmatic and student outcomes success in achieving its stated goals and objectives, as well as gives early warning of areas that may require institutional attention. The Center is the umbrella under which and through which institutional research is provided to insure systematic, on-going evaluation of the curriculum, pedagogy, programs and services. As such, it collects and analyzes data and disseminates results to support informed management, planning, and policy decisions for faculty and administration. The data and information provide support to prescribe, implement, evaluate and revise all processes that promote institutional effectiveness.

As a general use resource and of particular importance to the students, the General Computer Laboratory provides access to the latest technological advances available on the campus. It makes available to students and faculty terminals connected to the mainframe as well as stand-alone personal computers. In addition to making personal computer hardware and terminal access to the mainframe available to laboratory users, the staff offers on-site technical assistance to laboratory users as well as to other PC-users throughout the campus. Assistance is given in the use and installation of software and hardware, programming, and troubleshooting of malfunctioning hardware and software.

The link between the University and former students is provided through the Office of Alumni Affairs. A major function of this office is to initiate and maintain communication between both. The office also assists in the recruitment of students and has served as an advocate for the University. The Alumni office has been able to secure some needed resources for the campus through the alumni. The Alumni Association, supported by alumni and life member’s dues, supports the Office of Alumni Affairs and is designed to involve all alumni in activities that lead to the fulfillment of the goals and objectives of the University.


Southern University at New Orleans is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools- Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award Associate, Bachelor, and Masters degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Southern University at New Orleans. Normal inquiries about the institution, such as admission requirements, financial aid, and educational programs, etc., should be directed to the institution, and not to the Commission, at 6400 Press Drive, New Orleans, LA 70126, or to phone number 504-286-5000.

Reaffirmation of accreditation by SACSCOC was achieved in December 2011.

The School of Social Work is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).

The College of Education and Human Development is approved by the Louisiana Department of Education and accredited by The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

The College of Business and Public Administration is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) International.

The Health Information Management Systems program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM).

The Child Development and Family Studies program is accredited by the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS).