Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities

Student Conduct Records


These records are considered “educational records,” in accordance with the Family Rights and Privacy Act (Public Law 93-380). These records are private and may not be disclosed in whole or in part except as provided by law or by written authorization from the student. Conduct records are separate from a student’s academic records. Students have the right to inspect and review the materials contained in their conduct record subject to office procedures. Those notified of your status are the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, Director Security, and the Director of Undergraduate Programs.

Maintenance of Records

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College is responsible for the maintenance of student conduct records. These records are maintained for a period of seven (7) years from date of the successful completion of the most recent College assigned sanction. Recordings of hearings will be maintained until the final decision of the College appellate process or the failure of the student to file appeal within the deadline specified by the College.

Right to Review Conduct Record

The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students and eligible parents the right to "inspect and review the education records of the student." (section 99.10 (a). Disciplinary records maintained by the College are considered education records as defined by this law. Parents of a dependent student as defined by the Internal Revenue Code will receive notification of sanctions of certain violations of the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

All materials in the disciplinary record are the property of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. This includes, printed summaries, audio recordings of hearings, written recommendations or decisions reflecting findings of responsible or not responsible as well as the conduct process outcome(s) assigned to those students found in violation. The College will not release these materials to any party, unless compelled to do so through a court order. Students may request an opportunity to review those records by scheduling an appointment with Student Affairs. Student Affairs has established guidelines in order to afford students and eligible parents access to the disciplinary record, while exercising the institution’s responsibility to privacy required by law. A dependent student who desires that his/her parent review his/her disciplinary record must provide written consent to Student Affairs.

Materials provided an accused student (e.g. complaint, witness statements, charges) become the property and the responsibility of the accused student.

Right to Amend Record

In the event that the student believes their records to be inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of their expectation of privacy, they may challenge the information that is contained in their educational records by contacting the College official responsible for the particular educational record in question. The student may then request informal meetings and discussions to resolve their concerns. The College official may decide that the student has sufficiently demonstrated that the challenged material should be deleted or modified, and the change will subsequently be made. Otherwise, the student may insert a statement into their record to explain any such material from their point of view, or a formal hearing may be requested in writing through Student Affairs and/or the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs. This right to challenge information contained in the student’s educational records does not extend to grades unless a grade assigned by a professor was inaccurately recorded. Individuals, agencies, or organizations shall not have access to the student’s personally identifiable educational record without his or her written consent except for the following:

  • College personnel who require access with a legitimate educational interest;
  • Officials of other schools in which the student may seek or intend to enroll; provided that the student has the opportunity to receive a copy of such records if he or she desires;
  • Authorized representatives of the government when release of such data is necessary in connection with the audit and evaluation of federal- or state-supported educational programs, or in connection with the enforcement of legal requirements that relate to such programs;
  • In connection with the student’s application for, or receipt of, financial aid;
  • State and local officials or authorities to which such information is specifically required to be reported or disclosed;
  • Organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, the College for the purpose of developing, validating, or administering predictive tests, administering student aid programs, and improving instruction;
  • Their parents, if they are a dependent student as defined by the Internal Revenue Service Code, which means that they receive more than one-half of his or her financial support from their natural or adoptive parents;
  • In connection with emergency, if the knowledge of the student’s information is necessary to protect their health or safety or that of other persons; and
  • In compliance with a legal order or pursuant to any lawfully issued subpoena provided that the student is notified of any such order or subpoena before their information is released. A log is maintained for student’s inspection of those individuals, agencies, or organizations listed above (other than College personnel) who have had access to or been provided personally identifiable information from the student’s file.