
Assessment of Student Learning

Assessment Methods

Assessment is a direct and systematic method for the College to review, improve and guarantee the quality of its programs. The College’s assessment system includes both direct and indirect measures of student learning that provide information about students’ mastery of the knowledge and skills they need for success. The faculty identify educational objectives and student learning outcomes to describe what all graduates should know and be able to do. In addition, each major and minor program offered by the College articulates additional student learning outcomes and a specific plan for assessing the accomplishments of students relative to those outcomes.

Student participation in the assessment process is absolutely vital. The College uses the information gathered each year to evaluate its performance and to improve its curriculum and instructional methods. For this reason, all students are required to participate in the assessment system which includes standardized tests, surveys and performance assessments embedded in selected courses throughout the curriculum. Some majors and minors also assess student learning outcomes via face-to-face interviews, exit exams, capstone projects and other methods.