Catalog Addendum 2021-2022

Catalog Addendum: Summer 2021–Fall 2021–Spring 2022 

Last Updated: February 22, 2022

The purpose of this addendum is to indicate where Red Rocks Community College has amended current information or added additional information to the college catalog. The information published herein is effective for the Summer 2021 Fall 2021, and Spring 2022 semesters. If any of these changes impact your ability to graduate, please contact the dean for your area of study.



Scheduling Options Section:

Changes to Scheduling Options
• Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 04/20/2021. The Remote course option has been added to the catalog. Remote–A class that has remote both online and remote learning elements. The course will meet online synchronously (the day(s) of the week will be published in the schedule of classes). Instructors and students log-in on specific days and times for class. Remote classes should meet during the scheduled times. There is no on-campus presence. Accurately scheduling courses and seat time equivalencies is required for accreditation.



Admissions and Enrollment Section:

Changes to Admissions-and-Enrollment/Admissions-Policy
• Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 05/18/2021. Sentence #2 was replaced: Students younger than 17 and who are not currently in a high school concurrent enrollment program may be considered for underage admissions by completing a "Request for Waiver of Admissions Requirements for Underage Students" (available online Students must complete the placement test and an admission decision will be based on a student’s academic history, determination of ability to benefit from college level instruction, and overall educational goals.

Changes to Admissions-and-Enrollment/Student-Types. Not Participating in the Concurrent Enrollment Program
• Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 05/18/2021. Contact info was replaced: Call Admissions at 303-914-6600 to begin the process.



Tuition Rates and Fees Section:

Tuition rates are set annually by the State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education each fall. For current tuition rates, please check the website:



Academic Matters Section:

Changes to Grading Symbols
• Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 04/20/2021. These grading symbols have been added to the catalog: WX: Student was administratively withdrawn through appeal, no fault, etc. and WD: Student was administratively withdrawn for cause.

Changes to Veterans Progress
•Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 09/14/2021. The following information was added to the catalog: Prior Credit Review Policy. The evaluation of previous postsecondary education and training is mandatory and required for VA beneficiaries. For students utilizing Veterans benefits who are approved for transfer credit as a result of this evaluation, the institution will grant appropriate credits, reduce the program length proportionately, notify the student and Veterans Affairs in writing of this decision, and adjust invoicing of the VA accordingly.

•Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 02/01/2022. Title 38 US Code Section 3679(e) was added to the catalog: RRCC permits any covered individual to attend or participate in the course of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides a certificate of eligibility or statement of benefits for entitlement to educational assistance under chapter 31 or 33 and ending on the earlier of the following dates: 1. The date on which payment from the VA is made. 2. 90 days after the sate certification of tuition and fees following the receipt of the certificate of eligibility. RRCC will not impose any penalty, to include the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries or other institutional facilities, or requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet their financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement of funding from VA under chapter 31 or 33.



Degree Requirements Section:

Changes to AA Degree Requirements
• Effective starting spring 2022. Added to addendum 11/15/2021. The approved AA electives have been updated for spring 2022. WST-Women and Gender Studies courses have been added to the Approved AA Electives list.

Changes to AS Degree Requirements
• Effective starting spring 2022. Added to addendum 11/15/2021. The approved AS electives have been updated for spring 2022. WST-Women and Gender Studies courses have been added to the Approved AS Electives list.

Changes to AS Degree Requirements
• Effective starting fall 2021. Added to addendum 11/19/2021. The approved AS electives have been updated to include all EGG-Engineering Courses.


Academic Programs Section:

Changes to Auto Collision Repair
• Effective starting fall 2021. Added to addendum 09/20/2021. The Advanced Auto Collision Structure Repair and Refinish Certificate total credits have been updated to 12 Credits.

Changes to Early Childhood Education
• Effective starting fall 2021. Added to addendum 10/01/2021. Two new certificates were added to the catalog: Early Childhood Teacher and Early Childhood Director.

Changes to Electricity Commercial-Industrial-Residential
• Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 06/11/2021. The certificate Introduction-to-Instrumentation-and-Controls-Technician-Certificate has been updated to: Introduction to Instrumentation & Control Systems Technician Certificate.

Changes to Integrated Health Professions
• Effective starting fall 2021. Added to addendum 10/15/2021. A new certificate was added to the catalog: Energy Medicine Certificate.

Changes to Law Enforcement
• Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 06/24/2021. The Law Enforcement AAS degree General Education Courses has been updated and the word "or" has been added to the ENG/COM requirements.
• Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 08/05/2021. A new certificate was added to the catalog: Law Enforcement Technician.

Changes to Medical Assisting
• Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 0721/2021. The Medical Assisting AAS Degree Required Course for BIO106 has been updated: BIO 201 and BIO 202 may be substituted for BIO106.

Changes to Multimedia Graphic Design
• Effective starting fall 2021. Added to addendum 08/29/2021. New certificates were added to the catalog: Graphic Design - Intro to Web Design and Graphic Design - Advanced Web Design. And a new degree was added to the catalog: Simulation and Game Design.

• Effective starting spring 2022. Added to addendum 02/22/2022. Changes to the Simulation and Game Design AAS Degree: The course MGD 266 was removed and replaced with MGD 267 under the elective requirements.

Changes to Photography
• Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 06/28/2021. The Photography AAS degree Required Courses and General Education Courses lists have been updated/revised.
• Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 07/2/2021. 
New certificates were added to the catalog: Introduction to Videography, Sound, Grip, and Assistant Camera and Camera Operator.
• Effective starting fall 2021. Added to addendum 08/29/2021. New certificates were added to the catalog: Professional Photography and Videography, Visual Effects and Editing, and Videography. A new degree was added to the catalog: Videography.

Changes to Sonography
• Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 07/26/2021. The course requirements for the Diagnostic Medical Sonography AAS degree have changed.



Course Descriptions Section:

Changes to ACT 171 Auto Collision Tech Lab II course
• Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 09/21/2021. The credits for this course have been updated to 1-9 credits.

Changes to ACT 180 Auto Collision Repair Internship course
• Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 09/21/2021. The credits for this course have been updated to 1-9 credits.

Changes to ACT 232 Fixed Glass Repair course
• Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 09/21/2021. ACT 232 course title changed to: Automotive Glass Repair.

Changes to CAD 102 Computer Aided Drafting/2D II course
• Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 04/20/2021. CAD 101 is a prerequisite and may also be taken as a co-requisite. Students can register for both classes in one semester.

Changes to CAD 224 Revit Architecture course
• Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 06/28/2021. A prerequisite has been added: CAD 102 or permission of instructor.

Changes to CAD 289 Capstone: Arch 6 course
• Effective starting spring 2022. Added to addendum 10/15/2021. The prerequisite has been updated for spring 2022. Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in the following courses: CAD227 or CAD258 

Changes to CIS 243 Introduction to SQL course
• Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 04/30/2021. The prerequisite and corequisite have been corrected for this course was corrected to:  Pre-req: CSC 119 and Co-req: CIS 240.

Changes to CNG 202 Unix/Linux Server Admin course
• Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 04/29/2021. The prerequisite for this course was corrected to CIS 220.

Changes to COM 125 Interpersonal Communication course
• Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 07/07/2021. This course is now a guaranteed transfer (GT) course.

Changes to COM 217 Group Communication course
• Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 07/07/2021. This course is now a guaranteed transfer (GT) course.

Changes to CSC 126 Game Design & Development course
• Effective starting spring 2022. Added to addendum 10/01/2021. The prerequisite has been updated for spring 2022. Prerequisite or Corequisite: CSC 119.

Changes to EDU 240 Teaching Exceptional Learners course
• Effective starting spring 2022. Added to addendum 10-01-2021. The prerequisite has been updated for spring 2022. Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in the following courses: ECE238 or PSY238 or permission of instructor.

Changes to ENG 122 English Composition II: GT-CO2 course
• Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 05/19/2021. The prerequisite has been updated to: Grade of C or higher in the following courses: ENG121 or ENG131.

Changes to FIW 103 course
• Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 03/01/2022. This course was added to the catalog.

Changes to FIW 210 course
• Effective starting spring 2022. Added to addendum 10/25/2021. The prerequisite has been updated for spring 2022. Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in the following course: FIW201.

Changes to FIW 212 course
• Effective starting spring 2022. Added to addendum 10/25/2021. The prerequisite has been updated for spring 2022. Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in the following course: FIW201.

Changes to FVM-Film Video Media Courses
• Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 07/02/2021. New courses were added to the catalog. FVM 205 Camera Techniques, FVM 206 Film/Video Lighting, and FVM 221 Commercial Media Production
• Effective starting spring 2022. Added to addendum 09/22/2021. New courses were added to the catalog for spring 2022. FVM 105 (Prerequisite: Basic computer skills are needed for success in this course. Corequisite: MGD164). FVM 163 (Prerequisite: Basic computer skills are needed for success in this course). FVM 207 (Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in the following courses: FVM105, FVM117, FVM136). FVM 250 (Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in the following course: FVM136).
• Effective starting spring 2022. Added to addendum 09/22/2021. Prerequisites were updated on the following courses: FVM 105FVM 205, FVM 206FVM 221.

Changes to HNR-Honors Courses
• Effective starting spring 2022. Added to addendum 10/25/2021. New courses were added to the catalog: HNR 175 Special Topics and HNR 280 Internship.

Changes to LEA-Law Enforcement Academy Courses
• Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 08/05/2021. New courses were added to the catalog. LEA 110 Career Management and LEA 111 Defensive Weapons.

Changes to MGD 133 Graphic Design I 
• Effective starting spring 2022. Added to the addendum 01/10/2022. The co-requisites for this course have been removed.

Changes to MGD 294 Service Learning course
• Effective starting spring 2022. Added to the addendum 10/15/2021. The prerequisite has been updated for spring 2022. Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in the following course: MGD263.

Changes to MUS 161 Computer Music Applications I course
• Effective starting summer 2021. Added to addendum 05/13/2021. The prerequisite of MUS 105 has been changed to: Recommended.

Changes to NUR 170 Course
• Effective starting spring 2021. Added to addendum 10/25/2021. The prerequisite has been removed.

Changes to NUR 290 Course
• Effective starting spring 2021. Added to addendum 10/25/2021. The prerequisite has been removed. The corequisite has been updated to: NUR170 and NUR291.

Changes to NUR 291 Course
• Effective starting spring 2021. Added to addendum 10/25/2021. The prerequisite has been removed. The corequisite has been updated to: NUR170 and NUR290.

Changes to OUT-Outdoor Studies Courses
• Effective starting spring 2022. Added to addendum 11/1/2021. New courses were added to the catalog: OUT 255 Leave No Trace-Master Educator and OUT 265 Wilderness Therapy Skills Clinic.

Changes to PRA- Park Ranger Courses
• Effective starting spring 2022. Added to addendum 11/1/2021. A new course was added to the catalog: PRA 245 Naturalist Training

Changes to THE-Theatre Courses
• Effective starting spring 2022. Added to addendum 11/15/2021. The prerequisite has been updated for THE 216: Grade C or higher in the following course: THE116.

Changes to WST-Women and Gender Studies Courses
• Effective starting fall 2021. Added to addendum 09/23/2021. The standard prerequisites have been updated for courses WST 200, WST 225, WST 240, WST 249, WST 275, and WST 278. Prerequisites: Grade of C or higher in the following courses: CCR 092 or CCR 094 or equivalent placement scores.

Changes to WQM-Water Quality Management Courses
• Effective starting spring 2022. Added to addendum 11/09/2021. The prerequisite has been updated for WQM 465: Grade of C or higher in the following courses: CHE111 and either BIO105 or higher, or CHE112.