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ACCT Accounting
ANTH Anthropology
BIOL Biology
BUSN Business
CCD Counseling Career Development
CHEM Chemistry
CHIN Chinese
CHWN Community Health Worker Navigator
COMM Communication
COMT Computer Technology
CSCI Computer Science
DSCI Data Science
DENH Dental Hygiene
EAP English for Academic Purposes
ECON Economics
EDUC Education
ENGC English Composition
ENGL English Literature
ENGR Engineering
ENGT Engineering Technology
ENGW Creative Writing
EXSC Exercise Science
FREN French
FSCI Food Science
GEOG Geography
GEOL Geology
GERM German
HCCC Health Care Core Curriculum
HCST Health Care Systems Technology
HIST History
HLTH Health
HSER Health and Human Services
INDS Interdisciplinary Studies
JAPN Japanese
MATH Mathematics
MUSC Music
All College
NURS Nursing
PHIL Philosophy
PHYS Physics
POLS Political Science
PSYC Psychology
READ Reading
SOC Sociology
SMLI Somali
SPAN Spanish
THTR Theatre
VACT Vacuum Technology
WMST Women's Studies
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2024-2025 Course Catalog
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ACCT 1051
Accounting Basics
ACCT 1052
Computerized Accounting
ACCT 1053
Accounting Fundamentals for Business
ACCT 1900
Topics in Accounting
ACCT 2096
Internship in Accounting
ACCT 2251
Financial Accounting
ACCT 2252
Managerial Accounting
ACCT 2254
Introduction to Management Information Systems
ACCT 2853
Federal Individual Income Tax
ACCT 2900
Topics in Accounting
ANTH 1100
Introduction to Anthropology -What it Means to be Human
ANTH 1101
Cultural Diversity
ANT 1102
Tracing the Roots of Racism Through Anthropology
ANTH 1120
Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies
ANTH 1121
Women Across Cultures
ANTH 1127
Cultural Anthropology - The Global Human Experience
ANTH 1145
Introduction to Forensic Anthropology
ANTH 1148
Examining Culture - Seeing and Doing Anthropology
ANTH 1150
Native American Voices
ANTH 1188
Magic, Witchcraft and Religion: The Anthropology of Belief Systems
ANTH 1210
Human Evolution - An Introduction to Bio-Anthropology
ANTH 1230
Archaeology - Prehistory and Humanity's Cultural Origins
ANTH 1235
Field Archeology - Methods of Exploring the Past
ANTH 1236
Archaeology of Minnesota - Prehistoric Native Cultures
ANTH 1899
Medical Anthropology: Health, Illness and Healing Across Cultures
ANTH 1900
Topics in Anthropology
ANTH 2096
Internship in Anthropology
ART 1101
The Visual Arts
ART 1102
Foundation Art History 1
ART 1103
Foundation Art History 2
ART 1104
Contemporary Art Survey
ART 1105
Non-Western Art Survey
ART 1110
Introduction to Film Photography
ART 1113
Video Art
ART 1114
Introduction to Digital Photography
ART 1115
2D Animation and Interactivity
ART 1116
Introduction to Graphic Design
ART 1118
Foundation Two-Dimensional Design
ART 1119
Introduction to Digital Drawing
ART 1120
Foundation Three-Dimensional Design
ART 1121
Foundation Drawing 1
ART 1122
Foundation Digital Imaging
ART 1123
Introduction to Sculpture
ART 1124
Introduction to Ceramics: Handbuilding
ART 1125
Glass Fusing 1
ART 1127
Introduction to Painting
ART 1128
Watercolor Painting
ART 1130
Introduction to Ceramics: Wheel Throwing
ART 1131
Introduction to Printmaking
ART 1132
Mixed Media
ART 1900
Topics in Art
ART 2200
AFA in Art Capstone: Portfolio and Professional Practices
ART 2201
Figure Drawing
Advanced Ceramics: Handbuilding
ART 2204
Foundation Drawing 2
ART 2206
Glass Fusing 2
ART 2207
Advanced Photography
ART 2208
Advanced Painting
ART 2210
AFA in Art Capstone: Exhibition
ART 2900
Topics in Art
BIOL 1100
Survey of Biology
BIOL 1101
Introduction to Human Genetics
BIOL 1102
Human Biology
BIOL 1103
Introduction to Emerging Diseases
BIOL 1104
Minnesota Natural History and Field Biology
BIOL 1110
Environmental Biology
BIOL 1120
Introduction to Evolutionary Biology
BIOL 1125
Sex and Human Diversity
BIOL 1501
Principles of Biology 1
BIOL 1502
Principles of Biology 2
BIOL 1900
Topics in Biology
BIOL 2041
Human Anatomy
BIOL 2042
Human Physiology
BIOL 2043
BIOL 2044
Introductory Microbiology
BIOL 2096
Internship in Biology
BIOL 2202
Animal Diversity
BIOL 2203
BIOL 2205
BIOL 2206
BIOL 2207
Cell Biology
BIOL 2208
Biology of Microorganisms
BIOL 2900
Topics in Biology
BUSN 1000
Keyboarding and Essential Computer Skills
BUSN 1102
Social Media Marketing
BUSN 1105
Introduction to Business
BUSN 1107
Leadership in the Workplace
BUSN 1125
BUSN 1130
Introduction to International Business
BUSN 1133
Current Trends in Tourism
BUSN 1134
Sustainable and Responsible Tourism
BUSN 1145
BUSN 1152
Hotel Operations Management
BUSN 1153
Principles of Food Production and Sanitation
BUSN 1154
Food and Beverage Management and Cost Control
BUSN 1157
Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism Management
BUSN 1158
Convention and Meeting Planning Management
BUSN 1159
Hospitality Sales and Marketing Management
BUSN 1201
Information Technology Concepts and Business Software 1
BUSN 1210
Exceptional Customer Service
BUSN 1220
Business Problem Solving Analyzing - Excel
BUSN 1230
Access: Information Management
BUSN 1240
Word: Document Processing
BUSN 1250
Project Management
BUSN 1260
PowerPoint: Graphic Presentations
BUSN 1900
Topics in Business
BUSN 2000
Computer Applications Training Practicum
BUSN 2096
Internship in Business
BUSN 2097
Internship in Hospitality & Tourism
BUSN 2100
Human Relations and Effective Teams
BUSN 2125
Business Practices in the Global Market
BUSN 2150
Revenue Management for Hospitality and Tourism
BUSN 2155
Legal Environment of Business
BUSN 2200
Human Resource Management
BUSN 2220
Statistics for Business and Economics
BUSN 2252
Professional Selling
BUSN 2300
Principles of Management
BUSN 2310
Small Business Management
BUSN 2400
Principles of Marketing
BUSN 2420
Digital Marketing
BUSN 2500
Principles of Property and Liability Insurance
BUSN 2501
Introduction to Property and Liability Insurance
BUSN 2502
Personal Insurance
BUSN 2503
Commercial Insurance
BUSN 2900
Topics in Business
CCD 1170
Career Exploration
CCD 2000
Global Career Development Facilitator Program (GCDF)
CHEM 1000
Real World Chemistry
CHEM 1001
Real World Chemistry and Lab
CHEM 1010
Environmental Chemistry
CHEM 1020
Introductory Chemistry
CHEM 1050
Foundations of Organic and Biochemistry
CHEM 1061
Principles of Chemistry 1
CHEM 1062
Principles of Chemistry 2
CHEM 1900
Topics in Chemistry
CHEM 2041
Quantitative Analysis
CHEM 2061
Organic Chemistry 1
CHEM 2062
Organic Chemistry 2
CHEM 2900
Topics in Chemistry
CHEM 2921
CHIN 1100
Beginning Chinese 1
CHIN 1101
Introduction to Interpreting and Translation
CHIN 1111
Chinese Culture and Civilization
CHIN 1200
Beginning Chinese 2
CHIN 2100
Intermediate Chinese 1
CHIN 2200
Intermediate Chinese 2
CHWN 1000
The Community Health Worker: Role, Advocacy, Outreach, and Resources
CHWN 1100
Cultural Health Communication, Teaching, and Capacity Building
CHWN 1200
Documentation, Legal, and Ethical Issues in Community Health Work
CHWN 1500
The Community Health Worker: Health Promotion Competencies
CHWN 2096
Community Health Worker Navigator Internship
COMM 1100
Introduction to Communication
COMM 1101
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
COMM 1106
Mass Media
COMM 1111
Interpersonal Communication
COMM 1113
Principles of Public Relations
COMM 1121
Small Group Communication
COMM 1131
Intercultural Communication
COMM 1141
Nonverbal Communication
COMM 1151
COMM 1450
Social Media and Digital Communication
COMM 1900
Topics in Communication
COMM 2096
Internship in Communication
COMM 2111
Family Communication
COMM 2900
Topics in Communication
COMT 1107
Introduction to Computer Technology
COMT 1173
PC Architecture Operation and Interface
COMT 1181
Database Management Systems
COMT 1182
Advanced Database Management Systems
COMT 1184
COMT 1205
Introduction to Visual Basic
COMT 1900
Topics in Computer Technology
COMT 2096
Internship in Computer Technology
COMT 2186
Microprocessors and Digital Logic (Lecture only)
COMT 2188
Systems Analysis and Design
COMT 2250
Object Oriented Programming with Java for HCST
COMT 2900
Topics in Computer Technology
CSCI 1100
Fundamentals of Computers
CSCI 1101
Introduction to Computing and Problem Solving
CSCI 1111
Introduction to Programming in C
CSCI 1113
Intro to C/C++ for Engineers
CSCI 1202
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming in C++
CSCI 1203
Introduction to Computer Programming in Java
CSCI 1900
Topics in Computer Science
CSCI 2001
Computer Programming Concepts
CSCI 2002
Algorithms and Data Structures
CSCI 2011
Discrete Structures of Computer Science
CSCI 2021
Machine Architecture and Organization
CSCI 2033
Elementary Computational Linear Algebra
CSCI 2900
Topics in Computer Science
DSCI 2000
Foundations of Data Science
DENH 1112
Oral and Facial Anatomy
DENH 1140
Pre-Clinic Theory
DENH 1141
Pre-Clinic Skill Development
DENH 1142
Clinic 1 Theory
DENH 1143
Clinic 1
DENH 1150
Dental Radiology
DENH 1151
Accelerated Dental Radiology
DENH 1160
Dental Materials
DENH 1161
Accelerated Dental Materials
DENH 1162
Pharmacology for the Dental Hygienist
DENH 1900
Topics in Dental Hygiene
DENH 2240
Clinic 2 Theory
DENH 2241
Clinic 2
DENH 2242
Clinic 3 Theory
DENH 2243
Clinic 3
DENH 2244
Clinical Enrichment
DENH 2252
Clinical Radiology 1
DENH 2254
Clinical Radiology 2
DENH 2263
Pain Management
DENH 2264
Periodontics for the Dental Hygienist
DENH 2266
General and Oral Pathology
DENH 2281
Preventive Concepts in Community Dental Health
DENH 2900
EAP 0750
EAP Grammar and Writing
EAP 0850
Reading and Vocabulary
EAP 0960
College Communication for English Language Learners
EAP 1100
College Writing for English Language Learners
ECON 1100
Personal Finance
ECON 1200
Consumer Economics
ECON 1400
Survey of Economics
ECON 1900
Topics in Economics
ECON 2201
Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 2202
Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2900
Topics in Economics
EDUC 1101
Introduction to Education
EDUC 2101
Educational Technology
EDUC 2222
Multicultural Education and Human Relations in Schools
EDUC 2223
Foundations of Instruction
EDUC 2331
Professional Practice and Design of Individual Education Programs
EDUC 2408
Individuals with Diverse and Exceptional Needs
EDUC 2409
Learning and Human Development for Diverse Learners
ENGC 0800
Fundamentals of Writing
ENGC 0860
Integrated Reading and Writing 1
ENGC 0900
Preparation for College Writing
ENGC 0960
Integrated Reading and Writing 2
ENGC 1100
College Writing Plus
ENGC 1101
College Writing
ENGC 1900
Topics in Composition
ENGC 2020
Advanced Grammar
ENGC 2102
Business and Technical Writing
ENGC 2900
Topics in Composition
ENGL 1000
Introduction to Literature
ENGL 1021
Literary Magazine
ENGL 1120
Graphic Novels
ENGL 1130
Literature of Diversity
ENGL 1140
Gender and Literature
ENGL 1170
Modern World Literature
ENGL 1175
Myths and Legends
ENGL 1186
Introduction to Poetry
ENGL 1188
Introduction to Short Stories
ENGL 1189
Introduction to the Novel
ENGL 1900
Topics in Literature
ENGL 2000
Introduction to Literary Studies: Writing About Literature
ENGL 2060
Children's and Young Adult Literature
ENGL 2120
ENGL 2125
Novels of Jane Austen
ENGL 2127
Sherlock Holmes and the Victorian Age
ENGL 2130
African American Literature
ENGL 2133
Native American Literature
ENGL 2150
American Literature 1
ENGL 2151
American Literature 2
ENGL 2160
British Writers 1
ENGL 2161
British Writers 2
ENGL 2174
African Literature
ENGL 2900
Topics in Literature
ENGR 1020
Introduction to Engineering Design
ENGR 1900
Topics in Engineering
ENGR 2015
Linear Circuit Analysis
ENGR 2016
Steady-state Circuit Analysis
ENGR 2096
Internship in Engineering
ENGR 2115
Introduction to Analog & Digital Electronics
ENGR 2231
ENGR 2235
ENGR 2236
ENGR 2301
Introduction to Digital Logic Design A
ENGR 2302
Introduction to Digital Logic Design B
ENGR 2331
Deformable Body Mechanics
ENGR 2900
Topics in Engineering
ENGT 1014
ENGT 1018
Manufacturing Processes and Production
ENGT 1022
Quality Practices & Measurement
ENGT 1026
Maintenance Awareness
ENGT 1050
Bridging Engineering and Education
ENGT 1153
AC/DC Circuits
ENGT 1180
Manufacturing Processes
ENGT 1184
Fluid Mechanics
ENGT 1290
Measurement and Process Control
ENGT 1513
Digital Electronics Technology (PLTW™)
ENGT 1516
Biotechnical Engineering
ENGT 2188
Electronics and Automation
ENGW 1111
Introduction to Creative Writing
ENGW 1900
Topics in Creative Writing
ENGW 2112
Poetry Writing
ENGW 2113
Fiction Writing
ENGW 2114
Play and Screen Writing
ENGW 2115
Memoir/Non-Fiction Writing
ENGW 2800
AFA Capstone
ENGW 2900
Topics in Creative Writing
EXSC 1000
Aspects of Fitness
EXSC 1102
EXSC 1103
EXSC 1104
Boot Camp I
EXSC 1105
Fitness Yoga
EXSC 1112
EXSC 1116
EXSC 1118
EXSC 1128
Team Sports and Exercise
EXSC 1129
Fitness for Life 1
EXSC 1130
Fitness Walking
EXSC 1140
EXSC 1151
Rock Climbing
EXSC 1153
Backpacking and Wilderness Preservation
EXSC 1200
Beginning Weight Training
EXSC 1400
Studio Cycling
EXSC 1500
EXSC 1900
Topics in Exercise Science
EXSC 2253
Advanced Backpacking and Outdoor Leadership
EXSC 2300
Introduction to Exercise Science
EXSC 2305
Exercise Physiology
EXSC 2310
Foundations of Personal Training
EXSC 2315
Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription
EXSC 2330
Applications of Personal Training
EXSC 2900
Topics in Exercise Science
FREN 1100
Beginning French 1
FREN 1101
Introduction to Interpreting and Translation
FREN 1111
French Culture and Civilization
FREN 1200
Beginning French 2
FREN 2100
Intermediate French 1
FREN 2200
Intermediate French 2
FSCI 2100
Introduction to Food Science
GEOG 1050
Maps and Mapping
GEOG 1101
Earth's Natural Environments
GEOG 1102
Human Geography
GEOG 1104
Resources, Society and Environment
GEOG 1121
World Regional Geography
GEOG 1123
Geography of Minnesota
GEOG 1124
Geography of Latin America
GEOG 1125
Geography of the United States and Canada
GEOG 1130
Climate Change: Science, Human Impacts and Adaptations
GEOG 1170
GEOG 1172
Introductory Meteorology
GEOG 1900
Topics in Geography
GEOG 2096
Internship in Geography
GEOG 2900
Topics in Geography
GEOL 1050
Earth History
GEOL 1101
The Dynamic Earth
GEOL 1110
Environmental Geology
GEOL 1111
Environmental Geology Laboratory
GEOL 1120
GEOL 1130
Climate Change: Science, Human Impacts and Adaptations
GEOL 1900
Topics in Geology
GEOL 2096
Internship in Geology
GEOL 2900
Topics in Geology
GERM 1100
Beginning German 1
GERM 1101
Introduction to Interpreting and Translation
GERM 1111
German Culture and Civilization
GERM 1200
Beginning German 2
GERM 2100
Intermediate German 1
GERM 2200
Intermediate German 2
HCCC 1000
Health Career Exploration
HCCC 1010
Behaviors for Success in Healthcare Settings
HCCC 1020
Communications in Healthcare Settings
HCCC 1030
Awareness and Sensitivity to Client Needs
HCCC 1040
Respecting Client and Staff Diversity
HCCC 1050
Healthcare Safety and Standard Precautions
HCCC 1060
Legal Issues in Healthcare
HCCC 1070
Healthcare Ethics
HCCC 1074
Healthcare Core Total Curriculum
HCCC 1080
Nursing Assistant Skill Set
HCST 2100
Introduction to Health Information Technology
HCST 2200
Privacy and Security in Health Information Technology
HCST 2300
Healthcare Systems Technology Capstone
HIST 1101
History of World Civilizations 1
HIST 1102
History of World Civilizations 2
HIST 1111
United States History 1
HIST 1112
United States History 2
HIST 1131
Family: Sex/Gender/Power: A Cross-Cultural, Historical Perspective
HIST 1133
Minnesota History
HIST 1135
Food, Floods, and Rivers in Modern World History
HIST 1900
Topics in History
HIST 2096
Internship in History
HIST 2100
Black History and Civil Rights in the United States
HIST 2111
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender U.S. History
HIST 2900
Topics in History
HLTH 1010
Medical Terminology
HLTH 1103
College First Aid and Adult CPR
HLTH 1104
Personal and Community Health
HLTH 1106
Drug Use and Abuse
HLTH 1107
Principles of Nutrition
HLTH 1112
CPR for the Professional Rescuer
HLTH 1118
Stress Management
HLTH 1160
Theory and Practice of T'ai Chi Ch'uan 1
HLTH 1170
Introduction and Exploration into Integrative/Holistic Health Modalities
HLTH 1900
Topics in Health
HLTH 2010
Healthcare in the US
HLTH 2011
Introduction to Public Health
HLTH 2012
Public Health Advocacy and Leadership
HLTH 2096
Internship in Health
HLTH 2105
Women's Health
HLTH 2110
Sexuality and Health
HLTH 2160
Theory and Practice of T'ai Chi Ch'uan 2
HLTH 2209
Emergency Medical Responder
HLTH 2900
Topics in Health
HSER 1100
Current Issues in Health and Human Services
HSER 1200
Multicultural Aspects in Health and Human Services
INDS 1101
Introduction to Interpreting and Translation
INDS 1600
Leadership Development Studies
INDS 1900
Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies
INDS 2500
Honors Capstone
INDS 2900
Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies
JAPN 1100
Beginning Japanese 1
JAPN 1101
Introduction to Interpreting and Translation
JAPN 1111
Japanese Culture and Civilization
JAPN 1200
Beginning Japanese 2
JAPN 2100
Intermediate Japanese 1
JAPN 2200
Intermediate Japanese 2
MATH 0601
Pre-College Math 1
MATH 0602
Pre-College Math 2
MATH 0603
Pre-College Math 3
MATH 0630
Survey of Algebra
MATH 0700
Intermediate Algebra
MATH 0980
Math Skills for Statistics
MATH 0990
STATWAY Statistics 1
MATH 0991
Math Skills for College Algebra
MATH 0995
Math Skills for Accelerated STATWAY
MATH 1020
Math Trek: Math for Liberal Arts
MATH 1055
Elements of Mathematics 1
MATH 1065
Elements of Mathematics 2
MATH 1080
Introduction to Statistics
MATH 1090
STATWAY Statistics 2
MATH 1095
STATWAY Statistics: Accelerated
MATH 1100
College Algebra
MATH 1150
MATH 1400
Survey of Calculus
MATH 1500
MATH 1510
Calculus 1
MATH 1520
Calculus 2
MATH 1900
Topics in Mathematics
MATH 2011
Discrete Structures of Computer Science
MATH 2033
Elementary Computational Linear Algebra
MATH 2080
Statistical Modeling
MATH 2400
Probability and Statistics with Calculus
MATH 2510
Calculus 3: Multivariable Calculus
MATH 2520
Calculus 4: Differential Equations with Linear Algebra
MATH 2700
Foundations of Mathematics and Logic: Writing Intensive
MATH 2900
Topics in Mathematics
MUSC 1100
Individualized Music Instruction
MUSC 1113
Concert Choir
MUSC 1116
Concert Band
MUSC 1118
MUSC 1120
Fundamentals of Music
MUSC 1121
Introduction to World Music
MUSC 1122
Intro to Music
MUSC 1123
Jazz History
MUSC 1124
Rock & Roll History
MUSC 1127
Class Piano: Non-Majors
MUSC 1131
Music Theory 1
MUSC 1132
Music Theory 2
MUSC 1141
Vocal Ensemble
MUSC 1142
Guitar Ensemble
MUSC 1143
Piano Ensemble
MUSC 1144
Instrumental Ensemble
MUSC 1145
Jazz Ensemble
MUSC 1146
Jazz Combo
MUSC 1151
Applied Music 1
MUSC 1152
Performance Class
MUSC 1156
Guitar 1: Class Lessons
MUSC 1157
Class Piano 1
MUSC 1158
Class Piano 2
MUSC 1159
Piano Proficiency
MUSC 1161
Voice Class
MUSC 1166
Guitar 2: Class Lessons
MUSC 1170
Jazz Improvisation 1
MUSC 1176
Intro to Music Tech 1
MUSC 1181
Ear Training 1
MUSC 1182
Ear Training 2
MUSC 1190
Diction for Singers 1
MUSC 1191
Diction for Singers 2
MUSC 1900
Topics in Music
MUSC 2231
Music Theory 3
MUSC 2232
Music Theory 4
MUSC 2245
Music History 1
MUSC 2246
Music History 2
MUSC 2251
Applied Music 2
MUSC 2252
Sophomore Recital
MUSC 2270
Jazz Improvisation 2
MUSC 2276
Intro to Music Tech 2
MUSC 2281
Ear Training 3
MUSC 2282
Ear Training 4
MUSC 2900
Topics in Music
Business Elective (any BUSN course not taken)
NCC 1000
Paths to College Success
NURS 1000
Role of the Professional Nurse
NURS 1020
Transition to the Role of the Professional Nurse
NURS 1050
Foundations of Health Assessment
NURS 1057
Nursing Assistant
NURS 1060
Nursing Assistant/Home Health Aide
NURS 1070
Foundations of Health Assessment Clinical 1
NURS 1100
Health Promotion
NURS 1120
Health Promotion Clinical 2
NURS 1150
Parent Child Nursing
NURS 1160
Parent Child Nursing Clinical 3
NURS 1900
Topics in Nursing
NURS 2000
Chronic and Palliative Care
NURS 2010
Chronic and Palliative Care Clinical 4
NURS 2050
Pharmacology and the Role of the Professional Nurse
NURS 2100
Acute and Complex Care
NURS 2110
Acute and Complex Care Clinical 5
NURS 2200
Synthesis Theory and Experiential 6
NURS 2700
Health Promotion and the Role of the Professional Nurse
NURS 2720
Transition to the Role of the Professional Nurse
NURS 2750
Nutrition and the Role of the Professional Nurse
NURS 2800
Chronic and Palliative Care
NURS 2820
Pharmacology and the Role of the Professional Nurse
NURS 2850
Applied Pathophysiology for Nursing 1
NURS 2910
Acute and Complex Care
NURS 2920
Applied Pathophysiology for Nursing 2
NURS 2950
Nursing Leadership 1
PHIL 1101
Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 1102
PHIL 1103
PHIL 1105
Philosophy of Religion
PHIL 1140
Environmental Ethics
PHIL 1150
Introduction to World Religions
PHIL 1160
Philosophy of Art
PHIL 1170
Business Ethics
PHIL 1180
Biomedical Ethics
PHIL 1190
Ethics for the Digital Age
PHIL 1900
Topics in Philosophy
PHIL 2900
Topics in Philosophy
PHYS 1001
Energy, Climate & Physics in Society
PHYS 1002
Energy, Climate & Physics in Society Laboratory
PHYS 1104
Survey of Astronomy
PHYS 1110
College Physics 1
PHYS 1111
College Physics 2
PHYS 1114
Introductory Astronomy
PHYS 1121
Physics 1 for Scientists and Engineers
PHYS 1122
Physics 2 for Scientists and Engineers
PHYS 1201
Physics 1 with Biomedical Applications
PHYS 1202
Physics 2 with Biomedical Applications
PHYS 1900
Topics in Physics
PHYS 2250
Modern Physics
PHYS 2900
Topics in Physics
POLS 1130
Introduction to U.S. Politics
POLS 1132
Introduction to Comparative Politics
POLS 1133
Middle East Politics
POLS 1135
Introduction to Political Ideas
POLS 1150
Introduction to World Politics and Globalization
POLS 1152
Model United Nations
POLS 1195
Conflict and Negotiation
POLS 1900
Topics in Political Science
POLS 2096
Internship in Political Science
POLS 2250
Constitutional Law
POLS 2900
Topics in Political Science
PSYC 1050
Introduction to Human Development
PSYC 1100
Psychology in Modern Life
PSYC 1108
Psychology of Death and Dying
PSYC 1109
Child and Adolescent Development
PSYC 1110
Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 1140
Psychology of Gender
PSYC 1900
Topics in Psychology
PSYC 2100
Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
PSYC 2200
Abnormal Psychology
PSYC 2210
Developmental Psychology: Life Span
PSYC 2300
Psychology of Personality
PSYC 2400
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
PSYC 2500
PSYC 2600
Introduction to Social Psychology
PSYC 2900
Topics in Psychology
READ 0860
Reading Skills
READ 0955
Fast Track Reading
READ 0960
Reading/Study Skills for College
READ 0961
Reading Strategies Review
READ 1104
College Study Strategies
READ 1106
Critical Reading Skills
READ 1110
Study and Thinking Skills in the Academic Disciplines
READ 1230
MTLE Reading Seminar
SOC 1100
Modern US Society: Everyday Life in the United States of America
SOC 1101
Cultural Diversity
SOC 1102
Love, Sex and Family
SOC 1103
Social Change in Action and Service Learning
SOC 1104
Introduction to Sociology
SOC 1106
Social Problems
SOC 1109
Wealth and Poverty
SOC 1115
Sociology of Sex and Gender Roles
SOC 1116
Popular Culture & Media Sociology
SOC 1120
Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies
SOC 1121
Women Across Cultures
SOC 1900
Topics in Sociology
SOC 2096
Internship in Sociology
SOC 2108
Social Psychology
SOC 2110
American Minority Relations
SOC 2112
SOC 2114
Families in Crisis
SOC 2125
Social Deviance
SOC 2130
Introduction to Criminal Justice
SOC 2131
Juvenile Justice
SOC 2132
Police and Community
SOC 2134
SOC 2900
Topics in Sociology
SMLI 1100
Beginning Somali 1
SMLI 1111
Somali Culture and Civilization
SMLI 1200
Beginning Somali 2
SMLI 2100
Intermediate Somali 1
SMLI 2200
Intermediate Somali 2
SPAN 1100
Beginning Spanish 1
SPAN 1101
Introduction to Interpreting and Translation
SPAN 1111
Hispanic Culture and Civilization
SPAN 1200
Beginning Spanish 2
SPAN 2100
Intermediate Spanish 1
SPAN 2200
Intermediate Spanish 2
SPAN 2210
Advanced Communication Skills
THTR 1101
Voice and Movement
THTR 1111
Introduction to Cinema
THTR 1116
Introduction to Theatre
THTR 1117
Introduction to Television and Digital Media
THTR 1118
Theatre in the Twin Cities
THTR 1120
Theatre Performance Practicum
THTR 1122
Technical Theatre Practicum
THTR 1125
Drawing and Rendering
THTR 1130
Costume Construction
THTR 1135
Stage Makeup
THTR 1140
THTR 1145
Lighting and Sound
THTR 1151
Acting 1
THTR 1900
Topics in Theatre Studies
THTR 2020
Basic Design
THTR 2111
World Cinema
THTR 2150
Script Analysis
THTR 2151
Acting 2
THTR 2160
Audition Techniques
THTR 2170
Musical Theatre Performance
THTR 2520
Stage Management
THTR 2550
Directing 1
VACT 1010
Foundations of Vacuum Science
VACT 1292
Introduction to Vacuum Technology
VACT 1293
Concepts of Rough Vacuum Systems
VACT 1294
Rough Vacuum Equipment
VACT 1295
Rough Vacuum Operations
VACT 1300
Introduction to Vacuum System Automation
VACT 1301
I/O for Vacuum System Automation
VACT 1302
Vacuum System Automation Capstone
VACT 2096
Internship in Vacuum Technology
VACT 2290
High Vacuum Equipment
VACT 2291
High Vacuum Measurement
VACT 2292
High Vacuum Applications
VACT 2293
Vacuum Analysis and Troubleshooting
VACT 2294
Semiconductor Processing
VACT 2297
Thin Film Deposition
VACT 2300
Materials Science for Thin Film Deposition
VACT 2301
Thin Film Properties 1
VACT 2302
Thin Film Properties 2
WMST 1120
Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies
WMST 1121
Women Across Cultures