2021 - 2022 Course Catalog

ENGC 0900 Preparation for College Writing

This course focuses on writing skills needed to write essays. During the semester, students 1) understand the planning and writing process for thesis-focused, multi-paragraph essays; 2) develop ideas in paragraphs containing a topic sentence, clear order, adequate detail, transitions, and a conclusion; 3) become familiar with the basic process of research and citation; 4) demonstrate conventional grammatical sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling; 5) move towards college-level vocabulary and usage. Sources for writing model analysis and study include published articles and essays and assigned student work. Grading options are A-F or Pass/No Credit.  A grade of Pass/C (or higher) is required to register for ENGC 1101.


4 cr


ENGC 0800 (Pass/C or higher) and eligible for READ 0960 or eligible for ENGC 0900 and READ 0960


Fall, Spring