2019 - 2020 Course Catalog

Minnesota Transfer Curriculum

Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC)

The Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) is the result of a collaborative effort by all of the two- and four-year public colleges and universities in Minnesota to define a common philosophy toward general education. The goal of this effort is to help students transfer their work in general education. Completion of a defined transfer curriculum at one institution enables a student to receive credit for all lower-division general education upon admission to any other Minnesota State institution.

To complete the MnTC, students must satisfy the requirements of each of the 10 Goal Areas with a minimum of 40 credits. (Note that some courses satisfy more than one goal, but the number of credits for those courses will only be counted once.) Students must earn a minimum of a cumulative 2.0 GPA on the MnTC courses.

Visit http://www.mntransfer.org/students/plan/s_mntc.php for details about the goal competencies of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum

Goal Area 1: Communication - 2 Courses

ENGC 1101Freshman Composition

(4 cr)

Communication - 1 Course

COMM 1100Introduction to Human Communication

(3 cr)

COMM 1101Fundamentals of Public Speaking

(3 cr)

COMM 1111Interpersonal Communication

(3 cr)

COMM 1121Small Group Communication

(3 cr)

Goal Area 2: Critical Thinking

Met by completion of all 40 credits of MnTC

Goal Area 3: Natural Sciences - 2 Courses

Select 2 courses from a minimum of 2 departments: 1 must include a laboratory experience

BIOL 1100Survey of Biology

(4 cr)

BIOL 1101Introduction to Human Genetics

(4 cr)

BIOL 1102Human Biology

(4 cr)

BIOL 1103Introduction to Emerging Diseases

(4 cr)

BIOL 1104Minnesota Natural History and Field Biology

(4 cr)

BIOL 1110Environmental Biology

(3 cr)

BIOL 1120Introduction to Evolutionary Biology

(3 cr)

BIOL 1125Sex and Human Diversity

(3 cr)

BIOL 1501Principles of Biology I

(5 cr)

BIOL 1502Principles of Biology II

(4 cr)

BIOL 2042Human Physiology

(4 cr)

BIOL 2202Animal Diversity

(4 cr)

BIOL 2203Botany

(4 cr)

BIOL 2043Microbiology

(4 cr)

BIOL 2205Genetics

(4 cr)

BIOL 2206Ecology

(4 cr)

BIOL 2207Cell Biology

(4 cr)

BIOL 2208Biology of Microorganisms

(4 cr)

CHEM 1001Chemistry: Concepts and Applications

(4 cr)

CHEM 1010Environmental Chemistry

(4 cr)

CHEM 1020Introductory Chemistry

(4 cr)

CHEM 1050Foundations of Organic and Biochemistry

(3 cr)

CHEM 1061Principles of Chemistry 1

(5 cr)

CHEM 1062Principles of Chemistry 2

(5 cr)

CHEM 2058Organic Chemistry Essentials 1

(4 cr)

CHEM 2059Organic Chemistry Essentials 2

(4 cr)

CHEM 2061Organic Chemistry 1

(5 cr)

CHEM 2062Organic Chemistry 2

(5 cr)

GEOG 1101Physical Geography

(4 cr)

GEOG 1130


GEOG 1172Introductory Meteorology

(4 cr)

GEOL 1050Earth History

(4 cr)

GEOL 1101Physical Geology

(4 cr)

GEOL 1110Environmental Geology

(3 cr)

GEOL 1110Environmental Geology

(3 cr)


GEOL 1111Environmental Geology Laboratory

(1 cr)

GEOL 1120Oceanography

(3 cr)

GEOL 1130


PHYS 1001Energy, Climate & Physics in Society

(3 cr)

PHYS 1001Energy, Climate & Physics in Society

(3 cr)


PHYS 1002Energy, Climate & Physics in Society Laboratory

(1 cr)

PHYS 1050Survey of Classical Physics

(4 cr)

PHYS 1104Survey of Astronomy

(3 cr)

PHYS 1110College Physics 1

(4 cr)

PHYS 1111College Physics 2

(4 cr)

PHYS 1114Introductory Astronomy

(4 cr)

PHYS 1121Physics 1 for Scientists and Engineers

(5 cr)

PHYS 1122Physics 2 for Scientists and Engineers

(5 cr)

PHYS 1201Physics 1 with Biomedical Applications

(4 cr)

PHYS 1202Physics 2 with Biomedical Applications

(4 cr)

PHYS 2250Modern Physics

(4 cr)

Goal Area 4: Mathematical/Logical Reasoning - 1 Course

CSCI 2011Discrete Structures of Computer Science

(4 cr)

MATH 1020Mathematics for Liberal Arts

(3 cr)

MATH 1055


MATH 1065


MATH 1080Introduction to Statistics

(4 cr)

MATH 1090STATWAY Statistics 2

(4 cr)

MATH 1100College Algebra and Probability

(4 cr)

MATH 1150Trigonometry

(4 cr)

MATH 1200Finite Mathematics

(4 cr)

MATH 1400Survey of Calculus

(4 cr)

MATH 1500Pre-Calculus

(5 cr)

MATH 1510Calculus 1

(5 cr)

MATH 1520Calculus 2

(5 cr)

MATH 2011Discrete Structures of Computer Science

(4 cr)

MATH 2080Statistical Modeling

(3 cr)

MATH 2400Probability and Statistics with Calculus

(4 cr)

MATH 2510Calculus 3: Multivariable Calculus

(5 cr)

MATH 2520Calculus 4: Differential Equations with Linear Algebra

(5 cr)

MATH 2700Foundations of Mathematics and Logic: Writing Intensive

(4 cr)

PHIL 1102Logic

(3 cr)

Goal Area 5: History and Social/Behavioral Sciences - 2 Courses

Select 2 courses from a minimum of 2 departments

ANTH 1100Introduction to Anthropology -What it Means to be Human

(4 cr)

ANTH 1101Cultural Diversity

(3 cr)

ANTH 1120Introduction to Women's Studies

(3 cr)

ANTH 1121Women Across Cultures

(3 cr)

ANTH 1127Cultural Anthropology - The Global Human Experience

(3 cr)

ANTH 1145Introduction to Forensic Anthropology

(3 cr)

ANTH 1148Seeing Culture Through Film and Fieldwork

(3 cr)

ANTH 1150Native American Voices

(3 cr)

ANTH 1188Magic, Witchcraft and Religion: The Anthropology of Religion

(3 cr)

ANTH 1210Human Evolution - An Introduction to Bio-Anthropology

(4 cr)

ANTH 1230Archaeology - Prehistory and Humanity's Cultural Origins

(3 cr)

ANTH 1235Field Archeology - Methods of Exploring the Past

(3 cr)

ANTH 1236Archaeology of Minnesota - Prehistoric Native Cultures

(3 cr)

ANTH 2126


COMM 1106Understanding Mass Media

(3 cr)

COMM 2111Family Communication

(3 cr)

ECON 1200Consumer Economics

(3 cr)

ECON 1400Survey of Economics

(3 cr)

ECON 2201Principles of Microeconomics

(3 cr)

ECON 2202Principles of Macroeconomics

(3 cr)

GEOG 1050Introduction to Maps and Places

(3 cr)

GEOG 1102Human Geography

(3 cr)

GEOG 1104Resources, Society and Environment

(3 cr)

GEOG 1121World Regional Geography

(3 cr)

GEOG 1123Geography of Minnesota

(3 cr)

GEOG 1124Geography of Latin America

(3 cr)

HIST 1101History of World Civilizations 1

(4 cr)

HIST 1102History of World Civilizations 2

(4 cr)

HIST 1103History of World Civilizations 3

(4 cr)

HIST 1111United States History 1

(4 cr)

HIST 1112United States History 2

(4 cr)

HIST 1131Family: Sex/Gender/Power: A Cross-Cultural, Historical Perspective

(3 cr)

HIST 1133Minnesota History

(3 cr)

HIST 2101History of East Asia

(3 cr)

HIST 2102Latin American History - Pre-Conquest to the Present

(3 cr)

HIST 2111Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender U.S. History

(3 cr)

HIST 2201The World in the Era of the World Wars

(3 cr)

POLS 1130Introduction to U.S. Politics

(3 cr)

POLS 1132Introduction to Comparative Politics

(3 cr)

POLS 1133Middle East Politics

(3 cr)

POLS 1135Introduction to Political Ideas

(3 cr)

POLS 1150Introduction to World Politics and Globalization

(3 cr)

POLS 1152Model United Nations

(3 cr)

POLS 1195Conflict and Negotiation

(3 cr)

POLS 2250Constitutional Law

(3 cr)

PSYC 1100Psychology in Modern Life

(3 cr)

PSYC 1109Child and Adolescent Development

(3 cr)

PSYC 1110Introduction to Psychology

(4 cr)

PSYC 1120Psychology of Human Sexuality

(3 cr)

PSYC 1220Psychology of Adulthood and Aging

(3 cr)

PSYC 2100Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences

(4 cr)

PSYC 2200Abnormal Psychology

(3 cr)

PSYC 2210Developmental Psychology: Life Span

(4 cr)

PSYC 2300Psychology of Personality

(3 cr)

PSYC 2400Psychology of Religion and Spirituality

(3 cr)

PSYC 2500Biopsychology

(3 cr)

PSYC 2600Introduction to Social Psychology

(3 cr)

SOC 1100Modern US Society: Everyday Life in the United States of America

(3 cr)

SOC 1101Cultural Diversity

(3 cr)

SOC 1102Love, Sex and Family

(3 cr)

SOC 1104Introduction to Sociology

(3 cr)

SOC 1106Social Problems in a Changing World

(3 cr)

SOC 1109Wealth and Poverty

(3 cr)

SOC 1115Sociology of Sex and Gender Roles

(3 cr)

SOC 1121Women Across Cultures

(3 cr)

SOC 1120Introduction to Women's Studies

(3 cr)

SOC 2108Social Psychology

(3 cr)

SOC 2110American Minority Relations

(3 cr)

SOC 2112Criminology

(3 cr)

SOC 2114Families in Crisis

(3 cr)

SOC 2116Popular Culture & Media Sociology

(3 cr)

SOC 2125Social Deviance

(3 cr)

WMST 1120Introduction to Women's Studies

(3 cr)

WMST 1121Women Across Cultures

(3 cr)

Goal Area 6: Humanities and Fine Arts – 2 Courses

Select 2 course from a minimum of 2 departments

ART 1101The Visual Arts

(3 cr)

ART 1102Foundation Art History

(3 cr)

ART 1103Foundation Art History

(3 cr)

ART 1104Contemporary Art Survey

(3 cr)

ART 1105Non-Western Art Survey

(3 cr)

ART 1109Exploring Photography

(3 cr)

ART 1110Introduction to Black and White Photography

(3 cr)

ART 1113Video Art

(3 cr)

ART 1114Introduction to Digital Photography

(3 cr)

ART 11152D Animation and Interactivity

(3 cr)

ART 1116Introduction to Graphic Design

(3 cr)

ART 1118Foundation Two-Dimensional Design

(3 cr)

ART 1120Foundation Three-Dimensional Design

(3 cr)

ART 1121Foundation Drawing 1

(3 cr)

ART 1122Foundation Digital Imaging

(3 cr)

ART 1123Introduction to Sculpture

(3 cr)

ART 1124Introduction to Ceramics: Handbuilding

(3 cr)

ART 1125Glass Fusing 1

(3 cr)

ART 1126Introduction to Printmaking Screenprint

(3 cr)

ART 1127Introduction to Painting

(3 cr)

ART 1128Watercolor Painting

(3 cr)

ART 1129Introduction to Printmaking: Relief

(3 cr)

ART 1130Introduction to Ceramics: Wheel Throwing

(3 cr)

ART 1132Mixed Media

(3 cr)

ART 2201Figure Drawing

(3 cr)

ART 2204Foundation Drawing 2

(3 cr)

ART 2206Glass Fusing 2

(3 cr)

ART 2207Advanced Photography

(3 cr)

ART 2208


CHIN 1111Chinese Culture & Civilization

(3 cr)

CHIN 2100Intermediate Chinese 1

(5 cr)

CHIN 2200Intermediate Chinese 2

(5 cr)

COMM 1151Storytelling

(3 cr)

COMM 1440Introduction to Digital Film and Video Production

(3 cr)

ENGL 1000Introduction to Literature

(3 cr)

ENGL 1120Graphic Novels

(3 cr)

ENGL 1130Literature of Diversity

(3 cr)

ENGL 1140Gender and Literature

(3 cr)

ENGL 1150Contemporary Literary Studies

(3 cr)

ENGL 1170Modern World Literature

(3 cr)

ENGL 1175Myths and Legends

(3 cr)

ENGL 1186Introduction to Poetry

(3 cr)

ENGL 1188Introduction to Short Stories

(3 cr)

ENGL 1189Introduction to the Novel

(3 cr)

ENGL 2060Children's and Young Adult Literature

(3 cr)

ENGL 2120Shakespeare

(3 cr)

ENGL 2125The Novels of Jane Austen

(3 cr)

ENGL 2127Sherlock Holmes and the Victorian Age

(3 cr)

ENGL 2130African American Literature

(3 cr)

ENGL 2133Native American Literature

(3 cr)

ENGL 2150American Literature 1

(4 cr)

ENGL 2151American Literature 2

(4 cr)

ENGL 2160British Writers 1

(4 cr)

ENGL 2161British Writers 2

(4 cr)

ENGL 2174African Literature

(3 cr)

ENGW 1111Introduction to Creative Writing

(3 cr)

ENGW 2112Poetry Writing

(3 cr)

ENGW 2113Fiction Writing

(3 cr)

ENGW 2114Play and Screen Writing

(3 cr)

ENGW 2115Memoir/Non-Fiction Writing

(3 cr)

FREN 1111French Culture and Civilization

(3 cr)

FREN 2100Intermediate French 1

(5 cr)

FREN 2200Intermediate French 2

(5 cr)

GERM 1111German Culture and Civilization

(3 cr)

GERM 2100Intermediate German 1

(5 cr)

GERM 2200Intermediate German 2

(5 cr)

JAPN 1111Japanese Culture and Civilization

(3 cr)

JAPN 2100Intermediate Japanese 1

(5 cr)

JAPN 2200Intermediate Japanese 2

(5 cr)

MUSC 1120Fundamentals of Music

(3 cr)

MUSC 1121Introduction to World Music

(3 cr)

MUSC 1122Intro to Music

(3 cr)

MUSC 1123Jazz History

(3 cr)

MUSC 1124Rock & Roll History

(3 cr)

MUSC 1131Music Theory 1

(3 cr)

MUSC 1132Music Theory 2

(3 cr)

MUSC 2231Music Theory 3

(3 cr)

MUSC 2232Music Theory 4

(3 cr)

MUSC 2245Music History 1

(3 cr)

MUSC 2246Music History 2

(3 cr)

PHIL 1101Introduction to Philosophy

(3 cr)

PHIL 1103Ethics

(3 cr)

PHIL 1105Philosophy of Religion

(3 cr)

PHIL 1150Introduction to World Religions

(3 cr)

PHIL 1160Philosophy of Art

(3 cr)

PHIL 1170Business Ethics

(3 cr)

PHIL 1180Biomedical Ethics

(3 cr)

SMLI 1111


SPAN 1111Spanish Culture and Civilization

(3 cr)

SPAN 2100Intermediate Spanish 1

(5 cr)

SPAN 2200Intermediate Spanish 2

(5 cr)

THTR 1111Introduction to Cinema

(3 cr)

THTR 1116Introduction to Theatre

(3 cr)

THTR 1117Introduction to Television and Digital Media

(3 cr)

THTR 1118Theatre in the Twin Cities

(3 cr)

THTR 1125Drawing and Rendering

(3 cr)

THTR 1130Costume Construction

(3 cr)

THTR 1140Stagecraft

(3 cr)

THTR 1145Lighting and Sound

(3 cr)

THTR 1151Acting 1

(3 cr)

THTR 2020Basic Design

(3 cr)

THTR 2111World Cinema

(3 cr)

THTR 2150Script Analysis

(3 cr)

THTR 2151Acting 2

(3 cr)

THTR 2160Audition Techniques

(3 cr)

THTR 2520Stage Management

(3 cr)

THTR 2550Directing 1

(3 cr)

Goal Area 7: Human Diversity – 1 Course

ANTH 1145Introduction to Forensic Anthropology

(3 cr)

ANTH 1150Native American Voices

(3 cr)

ANTH 1899Medical Anthropology: Health, Illness and Healing Across Cultures

(3 cr)

BIOL 1125Sex and Human Diversity

(3 cr)

COMM 1131Intercultural Communication

(3 cr)

COMM 1141Nonverbal Communication

(3 cr)

ENGL 1130Literature of Diversity

(3 cr)

ENGL 2130African American Literature

(3 cr)

ENGL 2133Native American Literature

(3 cr)

GEOG 1125Geography of the United States and Canada

(3 cr)

GEOG 1170Urban Geography

(3 cr)

HIST 1111United States History 1

(4 cr)

HIST 1112United States History 2

(4 cr)

HIST 2111Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender U.S. History

(3 cr)

MUSC 1123Jazz History

(3 cr)

MUSC 1124Rock & Roll History

(3 cr)

POLS 1195Conflict and Negotiation

(3 cr)

PSYC 1106Psychology of Women

(3 cr)

PSYC 1108Psychology of Death and Dying

(3 cr)

PSYC 1120Psychology of Human Sexuality

(3 cr)

PSYC 1140Psychology of Gender

(3 cr)

PSYC 1220Psychology of Adulthood and Aging

(3 cr)

PSYC 2200Abnormal Psychology

(3 cr)

PSYC 2210Developmental Psychology: Life Span

(4 cr)

PSYC 2400Psychology of Religion and Spirituality

(3 cr)

PSYC 2600Introduction to Social Psychology

(3 cr)

SOC 1100Modern US Society: Everyday Life in the United States of America

(3 cr)

SOC 1102Love, Sex and Family

(3 cr)

SOC 1103Social Change in Action and Service Learning

(3 cr)

SOC 1109Wealth and Poverty

(3 cr)

SOC 1115Sociology of Sex and Gender Roles

(3 cr)

SOC 2108Social Psychology

(3 cr)

SOC 2110American Minority Relations

(3 cr)

SOC 2114Families in Crisis

(3 cr)

THTR 1111Introduction to Cinema

(3 cr)

THTR 1117Introduction to Television and Digital Media

(3 cr)

THTR 1118Theatre in the Twin Cities

(3 cr)

Goal Area 8: Global Perspective – 1 Course

ANTH 1100Introduction to Anthropology -What it Means to be Human

(4 cr)

ANTH 1101Cultural Diversity

(3 cr)

ANTH 1121Women Across Cultures

(3 cr)

ANTH 1127Cultural Anthropology - The Global Human Experience

(3 cr)

ANTH 1148Seeing Culture Through Film and Fieldwork

(3 cr)

ANTH 1188Magic, Witchcraft and Religion: The Anthropology of Religion

(3 cr)

ANTH 1899Medical Anthropology: Health, Illness and Healing Across Cultures

(3 cr)

ART 1101The Visual Arts

(3 cr)

ART 1102Foundation Art History

(3 cr)

ART 1103Foundation Art History

(3 cr)

ART 1104Contemporary Art Survey

(3 cr)

ART 1105Non-Western Art Survey

(3 cr)

BIOL 1103Introduction to Emerging Diseases

(4 cr)

CHIN 1100Beginning Chinese 1

(5 cr)

CHIN 1111Chinese Culture & Civilization

(3 cr)

CHIN 1200Beginning Chinese 2

(5 cr)

CHIN 2100Intermediate Chinese 1

(5 cr)

CHIN 2200Intermediate Chinese 2

(5 cr)

COMM 1131Intercultural Communication

(3 cr)

ECON 2202Principles of Macroeconomics

(3 cr)

ENGL 1170Modern World Literature

(3 cr)

ENGL 1175Myths and Legends

(3 cr)

ENGL 2174African Literature

(3 cr)

FREN 1100Beginning French 1

(5 cr)

FREN 1111French Culture and Civilization

(3 cr)

FREN 1200Beginning French 2

(5 cr)

FREN 2100Intermediate French 1

(5 cr)

FREN 2200Intermediate French 2

(5 cr)

GEOG 1050Introduction to Maps and Places

(3 cr)

GEOG 1102Human Geography

(3 cr)

GEOG 1121World Regional Geography

(3 cr)

GEOG 1124Geography of Latin America

(3 cr)

GEOG 1130


GEOL 1130


GERM 1100Beginning German 1

(5 cr)

GERM 1111German Culture and Civilization

(3 cr)

GERM 1200Beginning German 2

(5 cr)

GERM 2100Intermediate German 1

(5 cr)

GERM 2200Intermediate German 2

(5 cr)

HIST 1101History of World Civilizations 1

(4 cr)

HIST 1102History of World Civilizations 2

(4 cr)

HIST 1103History of World Civilizations 3

(4 cr)

HIST 1131Family: Sex/Gender/Power: A Cross-Cultural, Historical Perspective

(3 cr)

HIST 2101History of East Asia

(3 cr)

HIST 2102Latin American History - Pre-Conquest to the Present

(3 cr)

HIST 2201The World in the Era of the World Wars

(3 cr)

JAPN 1100Beginning Japanese 1

(5 cr)

JAPN 1111Japanese Culture and Civilization

(3 cr)

JAPN 1200Beginning Japanese 2

(5 cr)

JAPN 2100Intermediate Japanese 1

(5 cr)

JAPN 2200Intermediate Japanese 2

(5 cr)

MUSC 1121Introduction to World Music

(3 cr)

MUSC 2245Music History 1

(3 cr)

MUSC 2246Music History 2

(3 cr)

PHIL 1105Philosophy of Religion

(3 cr)

PHIL 1150Introduction to World Religions

(3 cr)

POLS 1132Introduction to Comparative Politics

(3 cr)

POLS 1133Middle East Politics

(3 cr)

POLS 1150Introduction to World Politics and Globalization

(3 cr)

SMLI 1100


SMLI 1111


SMLI 1200


SOC 1101Cultural Diversity

(3 cr)

SOC 1106Social Problems in a Changing World

(3 cr)

SOC 1121Women Across Cultures

(3 cr)

SPAN 1100Beginning Spanish 1

(5 cr)

SPAN 1111Spanish Culture and Civilization

(3 cr)

SPAN 1200Beginning Spanish 2

(5 cr)

SPAN 2100Intermediate Spanish 1

(5 cr)

SPAN 2200Intermediate Spanish 2

(5 cr)

THTR 2111World Cinema

(3 cr)

WMST 1121Women Across Cultures

(3 cr)

BIOL 1103: Lab courses

Goal Area 9: Ethical and Civic Responsibility – 1 Course

ANTH 1235Field Archeology - Methods of Exploring the Past

(3 cr)

COMM 1106Understanding Mass Media

(3 cr)

COMM 1113Strategic Communication: Advertising and Public Relations

(3 cr)

ECON 1100Personal Finance

(3 cr)

ECON 1200Consumer Economics

(3 cr)

ECON 1400Survey of Economics

(3 cr)

ECON 2201Principles of Microeconomics

(3 cr)

ENGC 2102Business and Technical Writing

(3 cr)

ENGL 2150American Literature 1

(4 cr)

ENGL 2151American Literature 2

(4 cr)

GEOG 1170Urban Geography

(3 cr)

GEOL 1050Earth History

(4 cr)

INDS 1600Leadership Development Studies

(3 cr)

PHIL 1103Ethics

(3 cr)

PHIL 1140Environmental Ethics

(3 cr)

PHIL 1170Business Ethics

(3 cr)

PHIL 1180Biomedical Ethics

(3 cr)

PHYS 1001Energy, Climate & Physics in Society

(3 cr)

PHYS 1001Energy, Climate & Physics in Society

(3 cr)


PHYS 1002Energy, Climate & Physics in Society Laboratory

(1 cr)

POLS 1130Introduction to U.S. Politics

(3 cr)

POLS 1135Introduction to Political Ideas

(3 cr)

POLS 1152Model United Nations

(3 cr)

POLS 2250Constitutional Law

(3 cr)

PSYC 1108Psychology of Death and Dying

(3 cr)

SOC 1103Social Change in Action and Service Learning

(3 cr)

SOC 2116Popular Culture & Media Sociology

(3 cr)

SOC 2125Social Deviance

(3 cr)

SOC 2130Introduction to Criminal Justice

(3 cr)

GEOL 1050 and PHYS 1002: Lab courses

Goal Area 10: People and The Environment – 1 Course

ANTH 1210Human Evolution - An Introduction to Bio-Anthropology

(4 cr)

ANTH 1230Archaeology - Prehistory and Humanity's Cultural Origins

(3 cr)

ANTH 1236Archaeology of Minnesota - Prehistoric Native Cultures

(3 cr)

BIOL 1104Minnesota Natural History and Field Biology

(4 cr)

BIOL 1110Environmental Biology

(3 cr)

BIOL 2206Ecology

(4 cr)

CHEM 1010Environmental Chemistry

(4 cr)

GEOG 1101Physical Geography

(4 cr)

GEOG 1104Resources, Society and Environment

(3 cr)

GEOG 1123Geography of Minnesota

(3 cr)

GEOG 1125Geography of the United States and Canada

(3 cr)

GEOG 1172Introductory Meteorology

(4 cr)

GEOL 1101Physical Geology

(4 cr)

GEOL 1110Environmental Geology

(3 cr)

GEOL 1110Environmental Geology

(3 cr)


GEOL 1111Environmental Geology Laboratory

(1 cr)

GEOL 1120Oceanography

(3 cr)

HIST 1133Minnesota History

(3 cr)

PHIL 1140Environmental Ethics

(3 cr)