2019 - 2020 Course Catalog

BIOL 1501 Principles of Biology I

This course is designed for students majoring in biology and other science related fields, including the health professions. Students will explore major biological processes occurring at the cellular level, with emphasis on cell structure and function, metabolism, reproduction, development, genetics and gene expression, and evolution.  Students will engage in techniques appropriate to the study of biological processes and gain experience in experimental design, data analysis and interpretation, and the communication of results. This course meets a requirement for the Biology (Minnesota State Transfer Pathway) AS-P degree and is a prerequisite for BIOL 1502. It is strongly recommended that students have successfully completed (C or higher) a college level biology lab course or a high school biology course within the past three years, before enrolling in this course. Lecture 4 hours per week; lab 3 hours per week.


(5 cr)


Prerequisites: Eligible for MATH 1100 and eligible for READ 1106


Semesters: Fall, Spring

MnTC Goals

MnTC Goals: 3