Grading Policies
A |
Superior achievement of course requirements; 4 grade points per credit. |
B |
Above average achievement of course requirements; 3 grade points per credit. |
C |
Average achievement of course requirements; 2 grade points per credit. |
D |
Below average achievement of course requirements; 1 grade point per credit. |
F |
Failure. Student did not meet minimum course requirements; 0 grade points per credit (included in GPA). |
FN |
Failure. Student never attended the course; 0 grade points per credit (included in GPA). |
FW |
Failure. Student attended one or more class sessions but did not complete course. In the opinion of the instructor, student did not complete enough assignments and/or course activities to make normal evaluation of academic performance possible; 0 grade points per credit (included in GPA). |
I |
Incomplete. A temporary grade issued when the instructor has reasonable expectation that the student can complete unfinished course requirements; 0 grade points per credit; excluded from GPA but considered during the evaluation of Satisfactory Academic Progress completion rate requirements. If work is not made up, the Incomplete will automatically change to an F at the end of the subsequent semester. |
P |
Pass. Indicates successful achievement of requirements with a minimum grade of C; 0 grade points per credit; excluded from GPA but considered during the evaluation of Satisfactory Academic Progress completion rate requirements. May be used in courses numbered below 1000. With the exception of MUSC 1152 and MUSC 1159, courses numbered 1000 and above cannot be taken for Pass/No Credit. |
NC |
No Credit. Indicates inadequate achievement of requirements; 0 grade points per credit; excluded from GPA but considered during the evaluation of Satisfactory Academic Progress completion rate requirements. May be used in courses numbered below 1000. With the exception of MUSC 1152 and MUSC 1159, courses numbered 1000 and above cannot be taken for Pass/No Credit. |
AU |
Audit. 0 grade points per credit; excluded from GPA. Audited courses are not given college credit, are not eligible for financial aid or VA benefits and cannot be used to satisfy graduation requirements. PSEO students cannot take courses for audit. |
W |
Withdrawal after the first five days of the semester up to the 80th percent point of the semester (this time period is adjusted for the summer session and for classes that do not meet the full length of the term); 0 grade points per credit; excluded from GPA but considered during the evaluation of Satisfactory Academic Progress completion rate requirements. |
Z |
Class in progress or no grade reported; 0 grade points per credit; excluded from GPA but considered during the evaluation of Satisfactory Academic Progress completion rate requirements. |
Normandale does not use +/- grading symbols.