Credit for Prior Learning
In accordance with Minnesota State Board Policy 3.35 and Minnesota State System Procedure 3.35.1, Credit for Prior Learning, students at Normandale may earn academic credit for college level learning gained through learning experiences outside college or university credit-bearing courses as assessed by academically sound and rigorous methods and processes. Assessment methods and processes at the college that could result in credit for prior learning (CPL) include those achieved and assessed through a nationally recognized third-party assessment agency or organization, regionally or nationally accredited postsecondary institution, or noncredit instruction. CPL external assessment types may include but are not limited to AP, IB, CLEP, and other national standardized assessments as described in the following sections of this catalog; world language seals and certificates; industry recognized credentials, licenses and certifications; and noncredit instruction in programs such as registered apprenticeships, continuing education, and customized training.
Credits earned through alternative methods are not resident credits and may not be used to satisfy resident credit requirements for graduation. Credits earned through alternative methods are noted on the student’s transcript as transfer credit, with no letter grade.