CIS 2350 Object-Oriented Programming and Design

(also CSC 2350; formerly CIS/CSC 235 Introduction to Web Scripting; CIS 135; Java-Object Oriented Programming)

A project-based class where students will learn the principles of object oriented programming and sound design through the creation of a graphical web application game from scratch. The project tasks will provide students with practical experience decomposing large problems into smaller ones and using interfaces, abstract base classes, inheritance, polymorphism, documentation generation tools, and testing frameworks. They will also give students an understanding of the importance of the use of abstraction, encapsulation, clear documentation, thorough unit testing, and the separation of concerns. After the class, students will have created a framework that will make it easier to design other games.



Course Fee



CIS 1030/CSC 1030 or CSC 1200


Mathematics/Computer Studies

