2021-2022 Catalog and Student Handbook

Theatre Minor

Requirements for a minor in Theatre:

Required Course (3 Hours)

THEA 210Backstage Experience



Theatre Practicum (3 Hours)

Choose 3 hours from:
THEA 225Performance Practicum


THEA 226Technical Theatre Practicum


THEA 325Advanced Performance Practicum


THEA 326Advanced Technical Theatre Practicum


Each practicum course can be repeated for credit.

Theatre/Dance Electives (15 Hours)

Choose 15 additional hours from Theatre and Dance, including a minimum of 6 hours at 300-400 level.
Theatre at the 300-400 level (3 credits)

Theatre at the 300-400 level (3 credits)

3 Additional Dance/Theatre Hours

3 Additional Dance/Theatre Hours

3 Additional Dance/Theatre Hours

Up to 3 elective hours may be additional Theatre Practicum courses beyond those required above. If additional practicum is to be applied, please notify the Records Office who will manually apply these credits within the program evaluation.