2021-2022 Catalog and Student Handbook

Admission to the MAT Program

All students should apply to the Master of Athletic Training program through the ATCAS program. A link will be posted on the website each fall semester prior to the cohort matriculation.

Students enrolled in the Sports Medicine major at Marietta College can apply for the 3+2 or 4+2 option. Students pursuing the 3+2 track will apply for admission into the Master of Athletic Training (MAT) Program through ATCAS during the fall semester immediately preceding the first semester of the MAT Program. Students pursuing the 4+2 track will apply for admission to the program during the fall semester of their final year and will submit an official transcript upon completion of a bachelor's degree through ATCAS. Students completing the 3+2 option will need to be within one semester of completing required general education requirements and prerequisite classes prior to applying.

Students enrolled in another major at Marietta College should apply during the fall semester of their final year and complete all pre-requisites required for admission to the MAT program. Students should submit their application through ATCAS, but do not need to submit an official transcript until after the undergraduate degree has been conferred.

Students coming from another institution should apply during the fall semester of their final year and will need to submit their official transcripts upon completion of the bachelor’s degree through ATCAS.

The program will review applications on a rolling basis after January 1 until capacity is met or April 1.

The quota of applicants accepted and enrolled in the program is limited to 15. Students not accepted can resubmit an application the following year.

Admission Requirements:

  1. 3.0 grade point average or higher is preferred in the Master of Athletic Training prerequisite classes including COMM 203 and WRIT 102 or equivalent, a minimum of 2.75 will be accepted.

    1. Prerequisite classes include:

      1. Biology - 12 hours of biology, including anatomy and physiology

      2. Chemistry - 8 hours

      3. Physics - 4 hours (calculus or non-calculus based)

      4. Psychology - 9 hours including Intro to Psychology, Adolescent Psychology, and Health or Abnormal Psychology

      5. Statistics - 3-4 hours of statistics with foundational skills in SPSS

      6. Communication - 6 hours including Intro to Communication

    2. Preferred Sports Medicine or Equivalent Courses

      1. Nutrition - 3 hours

      2. Exercise Physiology - 3 hours

      3. Biomechanics - 3 hours

      4. Pathophysiology - 3 hours

  2. A minimum of 75 directed observation hours supervised by and signed off by a certified athletic trainer 

  3. Official Transcripts upon graduation (an unofficial transcript can be used until then)

  4. Three references from college/university faculty, staff, administrators, coaches, personal acquaintances, etc. These references should detail the student’s demonstration of skills and traits, i.e. dependability, responsibility, initiative, leadership, communication skills, etc., that are critical for the success of an entry level BOC-certified Athletic Trainer.

  5. Letter of application answering the following questions

    1. Why do you want to be an athletic trainer?

    2. Strengths that would benefit the MAT program

    3. How does Marietta College MAT program fit your future goals?

  6. Verification that the student understands and meets the Technical Standards for admission into the Master of Athletic Training Program

  7. Admission interview with the faculty/staff of the Athletic Training Department

Additionally, by August 1 accepted students will be required to submit the following to be eligible to participate in required clinical experience:
  1. Background Check
  2. Proof of required vaccinations and immunizations (Hepatitis A, B, MMR, Tdap, Meningitis A, C, Y, & W, Meningitis B)

Accepted students will be asked to submit a $250 non-refundable admission deposit. Payment of the deposit indicates the student’s intent to enroll in the Master of Athletic Training program. The deposit will be applied towards first-semester tuition charges.