2021-2022 Catalog and Student Handbook

Academic Standing

Probation, Remediation, and Academic Dismissal

A MAT student whose cumulative grade point average falls below the required 3.000 will be placed on Academic Probation. Students remaining on Academic Probation for three (3) consecutive semesters will be dismissed from the program. Additionally, a student earning more than 2 C’s as a final course grade will be dismissed from the program.

A student who has engaged in unethical or unprofessional conduct may also be dismissed as determined by the Program Director in consultation with the Provost.

A student may appeal a decision of dismissal to the Graduate Council. Students who are dismissed from the MAT program, but who have an appeal regarding dismissal granted by the Graduate Council (or the College Provost) will remain on Academic Probation, and will be dismissed again in the instance of a grade of “C” or below in any graduate course.

A student earning below a B in any particular component of an ATTR course will remediate the identified deficient area. See the Master of Athletic Training Handbook for additional information on remediation.