2019-2020 Catalog and Student Handbook

Pioneer Semester Payment Plans

The College offers two payment plans: The Pioneer Four Payment Plan and The Pioneer Three Payment Plan.

Each Semester: Account must be paid in Full by Due Date (Unless using Pioneer Payment Plan)

  • Fall Semester Due Date: August 1
  • Spring Semester Due Date: January 2
  • Any misc. charges incurred after the semester due date are billed on a monthly basis and are due at the end of the month billed.
  • $50 Late payment fee after due date.

Four Payment Plan: NO Enrollment Fee

  • Fall Semester enrollment through August 1
  • Spring Semester enrollment through January 2
  • 25% due at time of enrollment.
  • Misc. charges incurred after enrollment in plan will be recalculated into the payment plan
  • $50 Late payment fee after due date.
  • Fall Monthly Due Dates: Aug. 1, Sept. 1, Oct. 1, Nov. 1
  • Spring Monthly Due Dates: Jan. 2, Feb. 1, Mar. 1, Apr. 1

Three Payment Plan: $150 Enrollment Fee

  • Fall Semester enrollment begins August 2
  • Spring Semester enrollment begins January 2
  • 33% due at time of enrollment plus $150 Enrollment Fee.
  • Misc. charges incurred after enrollment in plan will recalculate into the payment plan.
  • $50 Late payment fee after due date.
  • Fall Monthly Due Dates: First payment due on day of enrollment in payment plan, Oct. 1, Nov. 1
  • Spring Monthly Due Dates: First payment due on day of enrollment in payment plan, Mar. 1, Apr. 1

Private Loans

Many students prefer to obtain private financial assistance to pay for tuition. The College cooperates fully with all banks and other financial institutions engaged in student financing. All outside financing must be completed by payment due dates or late charges will apply. (Semester Due Dates: Aug. 1, and Jan. 2)