2019-2020 Catalog and Student Handbook

Admission of Home Schooled Students

The College welcomes students who have been home schooled, recognizing and valuing their home schooled educational background.

In order to evaluate a student’s potential for college-level work, the Admissions Committee seeks evidence of learning and ability from non-conventional academic reports. Descriptive journals, portfolios of academic work, and curricular outlines are all helpful in the Admission evaluation. Letters of recommendation from teachers, employers or community people are requested. An essay is required and an interview with an admission counselor is recommended. Standardized test results are requested for either the ACT or SAT.

Home schooled applicants must submit the following

  1. Completed Application for Admission
  2. Record of academic work, Portfolio or

    Journal descriptions of academic work

  3. Official report of either ACT or SAT
  4. Two letters of recommendation
  5. Essay (topics suggested in application)