2019-2020 Catalog and Student Handbook

Individualized Study

These courses include directed research, independent study, internship, and tutorships. A student may take a total of nine hours toward graduation in any combination of the above hours with the restriction that there be no more than two hours of tutorship.

Students may register for individualized courses by submitting a completed Learning Contract or Internship Registration Form to the Records Office. These forms, available from the Records Office, must be completed by the student and the supervising faculty member. If necessary, the Curriculum Committee will answer questions concerning the appropriate level of suitability of material. Several departments have additional restrictions on directed research, independent studies, internships, and tutorship courses. Students should consult with the appropriate department chair for more information.

Directed Research

The student conducts a research project under the supervision of the instructor. The courses will be listed as 195, 295, 395, or 495 and may provide from 1 to 3 credit hours.

Independent Study

These courses allow the student the opportunity to complete course work that is not otherwise offered. The Independent Study is a course whose content is not currently listed in the course catalog. The independent study cannot be used to review course content presented in existing courses described in the catalog. The courses will be listed as 196, 296, 396, or 496 and may provide from 1 to 6 credit hours.


These courses allow students to receive credit by helping other college students learn. The courses will be listed as 198, 298, 398, or 498 and may provide from 1 to 2 credit hours. Note that a student may apply no more than two credit hours of tutorship toward the graduation requirements.