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College Emergency Procedures

Labouré College of Healthcare is dedicated to providing a safe and secure work and learning environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors. The safety and protection of all students, faculty, staff and visitors to Labouré College of Healthcare are critically important. The College Emergency Plan identifies the preparedness and responses necessary to ensure this objective.

The College has an Emergency Executive Incident Response Team (EEIRT) which will be convened to implement the Emergency Continuity Plan in addressing crisis management incidents. The EEIRT will conduct a prompt assessment of the severity of the incident/situation and determine the actions to be taken. Upon assessment, EEIRT will execute a chain of actions to address the incident which includes the execution of internal and external communication response protocols. This includes timely warning, debriefing and documentation of resolution. Labouré College of Healthcare’s policy is to release information to the campus community in times of crisis in a timely, accountable and honest manner. Campus community members are immediately notified when a significant health or safety emergency occurs on campus.

Labouré College of Healthcare has a variety of ways to notify the community of emergency incidents. These include the campus phone system, OMNI Alert System, Emergency Page system, and College website. The Emergency Page system is tested quarterly by Public Safety.

An emergency is an unforeseen event or condition requiring prompt action. An emergency or disaster may occur at any time of the day or night, weekend, or holiday with no warning. Public safety emergencies and environmental emergencies, fires and fire alarm emergencies, and medical emergencies fall into the emergency category. An individual, groups or the entire College can be affected by an emergency which may involve the evacuation of the campus.


1.   Reporting Criminal Incidents

a.   Labouré College of Healthcare Public Safety staff are entrusted with Public Safety/building monitoring services at the college. Public Safety staff does not have arrest powers.

b.   In the event of an emergency, Public Safety will coordinate with local law enforcement/emergency services officials as necessary.

c.   The Public Safety staff are on campus during campus hours and beyond as needed. They enforce the College’s Public Safety policies. Public Safety maintains written plans and procedures for its duties on campus.

d.   In an emergency, call Public Safety (x3571) if calling from an on-campus phone, call 911 from a cellular device, or access police box at rear of C building

e.   Labouré College of Healthcare encourages students, faculty, staff and visitors to report public safety related incidents to the Public Safety Office.

2.    Reporting Emergency Incidents:

a.   Call Public Safety at ext. 3571, Dial 911 or pick up the Blue Police Call box which is outside on the wall by the rear entry to the C building. This will connect you directly with the Milton Police Department.

b.   When reporting an incident:

i.    Clearly identify yourself

ii.   State where you are calling from; and

iii.  State briefly the nature of the emergency

c.   For non-life-threatening emergencies:

i.    Dial ext. 3571 (Public Safety) from campus phones (classrooms, offices)

ii.   Dial Milton Police Department (617) 698-3800

3.   Steps to take in an Evacuation

•     Depending on the type of emergency (steps specific to the type of incident are detailed below):

•     Collect all personal belongings if safe to do.

•     You cannot return to the building after the event.

•     Leave the building immediately following any verbal instructions. Also follow the evacuation route which is posted on each floor by the elevator in the C building.

•     If safe to do so, faculty should turn off all gas and electrical appliances.

•     When outside the building move as far away as possible from the building. This will also help first responder and emergency services get unimpeded access to the emergency.

•     If a disabled person needs assistance, he/she should identify the need to a faculty member. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, in the event of an emergency, should the elevator be used.

4.   Timely Warning Procedures

a.   The Emergency Alert system is designed to give students, faculty and staff timely notice of an immediate threat to the campus community and to heighten safety awareness. The safety of our Labouré community is of utmost importance and a priority. The College has created an Emergency Management team to oversee operations during a crisis and/or in the planning and the preparedness stages.

b.   Emergency notifications will be announced to faculty, staff and students via the Emergency Omni Text Messaging alert system, phone calls, email and the Emergency Page system.

c.   Participation in the Emergency Omni Text Messaging alert system is voluntary.

d.   If you choose not to participate in the system:

i.    You will not receive electronic communications via the alert system.

e.   If you choose to participate in the system:

i.    Your cell phone number and information should be current in the Labouré communications system.

ii.   If the information is not in the system, other methods of communication pertaining to timely warning procedures would include oral directions from Public Safety, from the Labouré Senior Management staff (Emergency Management team) or from public safety personnel.

5.   The following situations are examples that may warrant an emergency notification after confirmation:

a.   Hostile/Active Intruder

b.   Shelter in Place: Designate area of safety

c.   Bomb/Explosives Threat

d.   Severe Weather

e.   Natural Disaster

i.    Hurricane/Tornado

f.    Hazardous Material Incident

g.   Suspicious Activities & Packages

h.   Fire in Buildings

i.    Power Outage

6.   Emergency situation procedures:

a.   Hostile/Active Intruder

i.    Escape/run if you feel safe to do so.

ii.   If you know where the shooter is and are able to flee the building without the shooter’s/intruder’s knowledge run out

iii.  If conditions are not safe:

1.   Lock and barricade the classroom doors;

2.   Turn off all lights

3.   Take coverage behind concrete walls, heavy desks and file cabinets;

4.   Make sure all cellphones, classroom monitors and audio equipment are on silent mode; and

5.   Stay covered until notified by Public Safety/public safety personnel, or staff member

iv.  If armed intruder comes into your classroom,

1.   Identify an escape route behind you if possible

v.   If escape is not possible, decide if you are going to negotiate with intruder or take any measures such as fighting off the intrude

vi.  If a hostile/active intruder is outside your building, you should

1.   Go the closest room that can be locked,

2.   Close and lock all the doors and windows once secure in room,

3.   Turn off lights and everyone down on the floor so as not to be seen, and

4.   Someone in the room should contact Public Safety at 617-322-3571, or pick-up classroom phone and dial extension 3571 and/or Call 911 directly from classroom phone (this phone only allows calls within the College or 911).

vii. If hostile/active intruder is inside building, you should

1.   Go to the closest room that can be locked;

2.   If not found, look for an exit that you can reach safely;

3.   Do not carry anything so you will not be mistaken for a suspect;

4.   Keep your hands up as you exit so again you will not be mistaken for a suspect; and

5.   Do not leave area until you have been told to do by emergency personnel.

b.   Shelter in Place: During the time of a campus-wide emergency, Public Safety and/or College Emergency Management team may order a Shelter in Place warning.

i.    Shelter in Place is a designated area of safety, such as an interior room with no or few windows and taking refuge in that location. Different situations require different locations. Once told to shelter in place, follow the directions provided.

1.   You may be required to shelter in place for such events as active shooter, severe weather, hazardous material event, or if directed by emergency personnel.

2.   If ordered to shelter in place, immediately seek shelter in the nearest facility, classroom, building, or office.

3.   If possible, try to find a room with no windows. You should have a cell phone, land-line phone or computer in the location to aid in getting additional information as well as being able to report any life-threatening conditions.

c.   Bomb/Explosives Threat

i.    Students should contact Public Safety and/or the Student Success Center if they have any information related to a bomb/explosives threat.

ii.   Staff will connect with local law enforcement and follow emergency commands

iii.  Staff and Students will be notified by the College through all available communication means.

d.   Severe Weather

i.    The Labouré community will be notified via local tv stations, radio stations, Omni Text Alert, Twitter, Facebook and/or the College website if the College will close for the day/night or close early/open late.

ii.   If students are already at the College, they will follow instructions by staff regarding possible evacuation.

iii.  Students who are at a clinical site when receiving a notification from the college should follow the directions of their clinical site, since clinicals are in multiple areas.

e.   Natural Disaster (i.e. Hurricane/Tornado)

i.    Go to rooms and corridors in the inner part of the building – do not use elevators.

ii.   Stay indoors away from windows and glass.

iii.  Close all doors, including main corridors if possible.

iv.  Stay away from heavy objects such as lights, wall hangings, etc.

v.   Help direct people with disabilities to a safer location.

vi.  Remain inside until cleared by emergency personnel or appropriate college staff.

vii. If you are outdoors, lie flat in nearest ditch and cover your head.

f.    Hazardous Material Incident

i.    Tell people to evacuate immediate area.

ii.   Alert Public Safety and/or call 911 emergency services via phone or call on College blue police phone.

iii.  Avoid breathing vapors.

iv.  If contaminated, seek eye wash and/or emergency shower.

v.   Leave the cleanup to the professionals.

vi.  Do not operate any electrical devices, phone (including cell), appliances, light switches or any equipment with open flames, within spill area.

vii. Re-enter area only after clearance by emergency personnel/authorities.

g.   Suspicious Activities & Packages

i.    Report suspicious activity immediately to Public Safety 617-322-3571

ii.   Alert others in the immediate area.

iii.  Do not open or shake package.

iv.  Leave the area and let appropriate staff handle situation.

h.   Fire in Buildings

i.    Walk to the nearest exit; do not use elevators.

ii.   If not already activated, pull the fire alarm or call 911.

iii.  Drop to hands and knees and crawl to nearest exit if there is smoke.

iv.  Cover your face with a scarf or towel to breathe through your nose.

v.   Assist persons with disabilities and alert emergency responders to the location of trapped or disabled persons.

vi.  Once outside of building, follow the directions by emergency personnel and place yourself as far from the potential location of the fire/college as possible.

vii. Do not get into your vehicle and/or leave the scene until cleared by emergency personnel.

i.    Power Outage

i.    Remain calm and follow directions from staff and/or emergency personnel,

ii.   Shut off all equipment in labs.

iii.  Do not use candles or other types of flame.

iv.  If trapped in elevator, do not pry open elevator doors. Use emergency phone in the elevator to contact emergency personnel.