Institutional Grants and Scholarships Programs

Students receiving Jacksonville University scholarships, grants, and athletic grants-in-aid must be enrolled as full-time students. The awards are available to students in good academic standing during regular fall and spring semesters only, and are not available for study abroad. Any awarded institutional aid is terminated if the student recipient interrupts full-time enrollment other than for summer break. Jacksonville University scholarships and grants may be reduced if the total gift aid available to a student is more than the student's Direct Costs, defined as tuition and on-campus room and board. Refunds of institutional aid will not be given. Unless specifically stated, scholarships and grants do not cover books.

Institutional scholarships and grants are awarded for up to four years or normal degree completion (120 earned credits). For students who are enrolled in their final semester and who require fewer than 12 credit hours to complete their degree requirements, the University may permit a student to receive a prorated portion of his or her institutional funding for the final semester. Students who receive institutional scholarships and grants and who wish to enroll for fewer than 12 credit hours in their final semester must petition the Director of the Office of Student Financial Assistance to determine if they qualify for a prorated award. Petitions must be filed prior to the beginning of early registration (mid- November and early April) in order to be considered. Restrictions apply. Jacksonville University academic scholarships are not applicable to programs outside of the traditional undergraduate program.