Technical Certificate Programs Catalog 2023-2024

Deferred Payment Arrangements

The University grants students the privilege of a deferred payment for 25% of the total cost of registration per semester, trimester or bimester upon signing the deferred payment document ‘Pagaré Único.’ To be eligible for deferred payment, students must have liquidated any debts from previous academic terms. In no case shall the total amount deferred exceed the balance of the debt after discounting the financial aid benefits or loans.

The chief executive officers of the academic units may, in exceptional cases, increase the percentage of the deferral if it is understood to be beneficial for the Institution after an analysis that indicates, with a reasonable degree of assurance, that the debt will be paid.

The payment of the deferred total cost of tuition, fees and other charges becomes due seventy-five (75) days after the first day of class in a semester calendar, forty-five (45) days in a trimester calendar, and thirty (30) days in a bimester calendar. The deferred amount for semesters is due in a maximum of three equal installments, two payments in the case of trimesters, and one payment in the case of bimesters.

The award of a deferred payment carries a fee to cover part of the administrative expenses of this service. There will be a charge of 5% on an installment that is not paid by its due date. It is the responsibility of each student to know when payments are due and make arrangements accordingly.

Students who do not meet their financial commitments by the due date may be suspended and will not receive a grade in courses in which they have enrolled. Students who have not met their financial commitment will lose their rights to receive University service until their debts are removed in accordance with the Federal and Puerto Rican regulations.

THERE IS NO DEFERRED PAYMENT PLAN DURING THE SUMMER SESSIONS except by authorization of the Vice-President for Financial Affairs, Administration and Services. This deferred amount must be paid within thirty (30) days from the last day of classes of the summer session in which the aid was awarded.