Technical Certificate Programs Catalog 2023-2024

Student Course Load

One credit is granted for each 30 contact hours per academic session (34 CFR 668.8 (1)(1), which establishes the definition of a credit as equivalent to 30 hours; one credit for every 30 hours of lab and one credit for every 30 hours of practice.

The regular load of a student consists of 12 to 15 credits per term, or the maximum established by the study program for each term, except for the summer sessions. In order to take more than the number of credits allowed, students must obtain written authorization from the Certificate Program Director or the Dean of Studies.

Students are classified as full or part-time students according to the number of credits in which they are registered. Under the semester or quarterly calendar they are classified as follows:

Full-time - twelve or more credits.

Three-fourth-time - from nine to eleven credits.

Half time - from six to eight credits.

Less than half time - five or less credits.