Graduate Catalog 2021-2022

Class Attendance

Regular class attendance and meeting the requirements established for courses offered by non-traditional modalities are considered by the University as essential elements of the educational process. For this reason, class attendance is required of every student registered in courses requiring their presence and in online learning courses. Class attendance is defined as the presence of the student by means of an official communication with the professor, as has been determined, to carry out an academic activity related with the course. In the same manner, the fulfillment of requirements is compulsory for all courses offered by non-traditional modalities. Student participation in institutional activities will be considered a valid excuse for not attending class. Students are responsible for completing course requirements as stipulated in the course syllabus.

Students, who during the period established in the academic calendar, have never attended a course, will be dropped administratively. This includes courses offered by nontraditional modalities. The professor will identify in final grade in the electronic registry, the students who have never attended or participated in an activity academically related to the course. The annotation AW will be used to identify these students. For administrative purposes, these administrative drops will be considered the same as withdrawals requested by the student, as established in the Adjustments and the Reimbursements section. Inter American University requires its faculty to report the last day of attendance, or of any other course-related activity of students who stop attending class in each academic term. For this, the faculty must keep a record of class attendance of the students, or of their participation in the other activities of the course. The faculty will access the list of students in their courses in Inter Web and will assign UW to every student that has stopped attending class and will write the date of the student’s last day of attendance or his last academic activity of the course, without having withdrawn officially, see the section of Administrative Action Symbols, UW.

The last date of class attendance will be used to determine the applicable refund for students who stop attending class without officially withdrawing. This arrangement is established in harmony with University regulations.