Tuition/Fee Adjustment Policy Course or Semester Withdrawal

Failure to attend any class does not relieve a student's financial responsibility to the college. Students who do not plan to attend a class or classes for which they are registered are responsible for officially dropping the course(s) during the tuition refund period to minimize the amount they owe. The college will not automatically delete or drop a student's course(s) due to non-payment.

To receive a tuition/fee adjustment for a course drop, the student must first officially drop the course (see Course Drop/Add/Withdrawal Procedure). Students will not be charged any tuition or refundable fees (lab or technology support) for courses dropped before or during the first week of the session. Students will be responsible for 50% of the tuition and refundable fees for courses dropped during the second week of the session. After the second week, students may officially withdraw from a class, but there is no tuition/fee adjustment.

Students are responsible for 100% of tuition and fees for officially withdrawn courses. For courses less than four weeks in length, there is no tuition/fee adjustment period. Students enrolled in these courses on the first day of the session are responsible for 100% of the assessed tuition and fees. The following fees are non-refundable: registration, late registration, student services, healthcare program, credit by examination, evaluation of work experience, and pass-through fees.

In addition to the above, a student may request a hardship withdrawal when extraordinary circumstances arise that prevent the student from continuing their studies. Extraordinary circumstances that justify a hardship withdrawal include loss of housing, death in the family, serious physical injury or illness, criminal victimization, casualty losses, or other traumatic event experienced by the student, the student's spouse or domestic partner, or a member of his or her immediate family (including step-children, the child of a domestic partner, in-laws and persons standing in loco parentis).

To request a hardship withdrawal, students must make a written request to their Campus Dean of Student Affairs Office. The request must include a summary of the facts upon which it is based and any documentation in support thereof. Students are encouraged to report hardships to the Dean of Student Affairs Office as soon as possible. If needed, the dean or their designee will assist the student in preparing the request. Hardship withdrawals must be requested prior to the next semester in which the student plans to re-enroll.

All hardship withdrawal requests will be reviewed by a college-wide committee appointed by the president. The committee will include representation from student affairs, instruction, business services, financial aid, and registration. The Dean of the Student Affairs Office will notify the student of the decision via their College email account.

If approved, the student will receive a "W" grade and 100% of the tuition and refundable fees will be credited to the student's account. Non-refundable fees and bookstore charges will not be credited. If financial aid was disbursed to the student's account, the Business Office will calculate the appropriate credit. If the student has other charges on their account, the credit will be applied to those charges as permitted by federal financial aid regulations.

If denied, the student is responsible for paying all tuition and fees that are owed.