EGC 605 Internship I

The school counselling internship is a mentored, integrated, sequential field experience planned by the student, the university field supervisor, and district mentor. The internship involves applying theory to the real life of the school while learning the school counsellor¿s roles and responsibilities. Each internship is mentored by skilled professionals and practitioners in the field. The internship requires a log of the candidate¿s experiences with reflections and a professional portfolio of the candidate¿s experience. The minimum number of hours of internship practice over the courses is 420 which include the pre-requisite observation courses. During the course of the total internships, the candidate conducts a research project. Each internship is accompanied by a one-day seminar, which is a guided reflection on the candidate¿s learning. In the final seminar, the candidate presents the research projects for peer and faculty review and feedback.
