MIS 632 Data Management LAB
This 1-credit lab course provides an experiential learning component for
MIS 631 Data Management for which it is a co-requisite.
MIS 632 provides hands-on experience in designing, implementing, and querying data bases. The relevant software is introduced using demonstrations, in-class exercises and homework exercises that are closely tied to and executed in synch with the conceptual and theoretical material covered in
MIS 631. Specifically, students will gain hands-on experience in: (i) ERWIN - a widely used commercial tool for representing conceptual (e.g., E-R diagrams) and logical data models (e.g., relational DBMS), (ii) PostgreSQL (relational database software), (iii) SQL Structured Query Language) and (iv) MongoDB a NoSQL document data store. Students in
MIS 632 must also be enrolled in the associated 2-credit lecture course
MIS 631 Managing Data course.
School of BusinessTypically Offered Periods
Spring Semester