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Course Name, Prefix, Number: Records and Information Mgmt, BUSO 1100

Campus Name and Address

Central Louisiana Technical College

Credit Hours:


Lecture Hours:


Lab Hours:


Contact Hours:




Instructor Information:


Course Description

Introduction to basic records and information management. Includes the life cycle of a record, manual and electronic records management, basic filing procedures and rules. This course examines how different organizational, technological, regulatory, and cultural factors affect the strategies, practices, and tools that organizations can employ to manage electronic records. Problems of long-term preservation and continuing access to electronic records are analyzed and addressed. (3/0/3)


As a result of successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate a working knowledge or course terminology.
  2. Demonstrate proper filing procedures.
  3. Discuss the necessity for maintaining records in an orderly fashion.
  4. Discuss classification of records.
  5. Discuss the life cycle of a business paper.
  6. Apply procedures for storing records alphabetically.
  7. Apply rules for alphabetic filing.
  8. Apply rules for subject, numeric, and geographical filing.
  9. Demonstrate proper procedures for the operation and control of manual and electronic storage systems.
  10. Discuss compliance with freedom of information laws and Privacy Act.

Required Textbooks


Additional Materials/Resources


Grading Criteria

90 – 100%       A        

80 – 89%          B        

70 – 79%          C        

60 – 69%          D         

Below 60%        F         

Grading Scale



1.    Exams and/or quizzes

2.    Homework, projects, and/or class work

3.    Any other appropriate accounting or educational methods may be used.


Common questions will be administered by all sections of the course at the end of the semester assessing the student's knowledge of the learning outcomes tested in the other assessment methods.






Students must be officially enrolled in any course that they attend. It is expected that students will attend scheduled classes regularly and on time. If an absence occurs, it is the responsibility of the student to make up all missed work, if approved by the instructor. Students who stop attending a course and do not officially withdraw will receive grades of “0” for all work missed and will result in a punitive final grade. This policy shall be superseded by any more stringent attendance policy required by a regulatory or licensing body having jurisdiction over program requirements. Attendance will be tracked and maintained for various reporting purposes.


The deadline for dropping a class is published each semester on the CLTCC website in the academic calendar. A student who officially withdraws from a class prior to the designated date will receive a grade of “W” in that class. Any student who receives financial aid and withdraws from any or all classes is subject to repaying a portion of the funding received.


The faculty of Central Louisiana Technical College supports the concept of academic honesty. The teaching faculty encourages academic honesty in all classes and we require academic honesty from all students. All students are expected to maintain honesty and integrity when completing all academic assignments and examinations. Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Any student found guilty of such dishonorable acts in academic work will receive a “0” for the work presented. The instructor may also refer the student to the appropriate administrator for further disciplinary actions, which could result in an “F” in the course, dismissal from the course, or dismissal from the college.


Students will be suspended for actions detrimental to the welfare of other students, instructors, staff, and the campus. These actions include, but are not limited to: Firearms and/or weapons, alcoholic beverages, and illegal drugs will not be permitted on campus. Profanity and fighting are strictly prohibited. Smoking or use of any other tobacco products is prohibited. Students must not eat or drink beverages in classrooms or labs. Vandalism will not be permitted on campus. Dishonesty will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Students who cheat, or aid in the act thereof, may be dismissed from campus. Students must display a respectable attitude and behavior toward instructor and other students. The college has a Zero Tolerance Policy, meaning the campuses should be completely free of threats and assaults to ensure the highest standard of safety for all faculty, staff, students, and visitors on each campus. The college will take all reasonably available steps to protect all such persons from violence. Violators of the Zero Tolerance Policy will be suspended.


Title IX

Central Louisiana Technical Community College faculty and staff are committed to helping create a safe and open learning environment for all students. If you (or someone you know) have experienced any form of sexual misconduct, including sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, or stalking, know that help and support are available. The College strongly encourages all community members to act, seek support, and report incidents of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Office. Be advised that we must disclose information about misconduct as per Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.

If you wish to speak to a confidential employee who does not have this reporting responsibility, you can contact the Title IX Coordinator for Students at 318-487-5443 ext. 1129. If it is an ADA issue, you can contact CLTCC's ADA Coordinator for Students at 318-487-5443 ext. For more information about reporting options and resources at CLTCC and the community, visit our Title IX page. Please complete the following Incident Report by clicking here to report the incident. Under "Nature of this Report," choose Title IX or Disability Service Request regarding a Reasonable Accommodations issue.


A student may be placed on disciplinary probation when campus rules and policies are disregarded. When a student is placed on disciplinary probation, the student is given a specified time to improve his/her record. If the student’s record does not show improvement, the student may be suspended for a specific time, usually a semester or more.


The Central Louisiana Technical College complies with Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Students with disabilities who seek accommodations must make their requests known by contacting the Disabilities Coordinator at the beginning of each semester. If a disability is identified later in the semester, a non-retroactive accommodation plan will be developed.

Course Transferability

A student should contact the institution to which he or she intends to transfer to inquire about the potential transferability of the course and to determine whether the course will count in his or her major.

Instructor Credentials

All instructors for this course meet or exceed the criteria for academic and professional preparation as required in the SACS/COC standards for accreditation.